Example sentences of "it [vb mod] to be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The road continued past the cottages so there must be something down there and it ought to be the common itself .
2 It used to be the case that contestants who were struck lightly in the face could exaggerate injury in order to have the opponent 's score disallowed .
3 It used to be the case that one had to find a property that one wanted to buy first and then apply for a mortgage , but some organisations will now provide a mortgage guarantee document , that is to say an assurance of the amount of money they will lend you , before you start looking for a property .
4 It used to be the case that games written for an 8086 processor were unplayable on a 286 machine , so developers included special code in their programs which would slow the game down to make sure that , as far as possible , the game played at the same speed on every class of machine .
5 It used to be the case that a successful president would choose some of his Cabinet members from his party 's ranks in Congress ; this still happens , but relatively infrequently .
6 You think that 's especially true and like say Aberdeen if you go in a shop there and and , at least it used to be the case , and asked for something you be thought you were speaking fine but they would just say , Oh my you down from Orkney for a holiday ?
7 It used to be The Safe did n't it ?
8 It used to be the south east midlands , now it 's classed as the south midlands but Bedford , twenty one miles along the road there , and they call it the south .
9 It used to be the treat !
10 It used to be the law that orders for certiorari and prohibition were available only against decision-makers who had a duty to act judicially .
11 It used to be the custom that the issue of the writ should be moved by chief whip of the party in the House of Commons a member of which had held the seat prior to its vacation , but this practice was occasionally the subject of abuse by the moving party being reluctant , by reason of its unpopularity in the country and consequent fear of being humiliated in a poll , Constituents in one instance were left unrepresented for over nine months .
12 IT USED to be the east Prussian city of Königsberg , where the philosopher Immanuel Kant worked and died .
13 It used to be the site of an old church , and has already been previously excavated .
14 It used to be the basis of the whole heavy organic chemical industry , and might be again .
15 and I mean it used to be the fact , oh god well we 've got to sort of have dinner at twelve o'clock , we 've got to be round there by four .
16 For example , it used to be the time when farmers asked for their crops to be blessed for the coming year .
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