Example sentences of "it [vb mod] be that [noun] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 So it may be that Green influenced the way that the great poet looked at his surroundings , certainly in the later editions of Wordsworth 's Guide he acknowledges the value of the painter 's book .
2 On the other hand , Ecgfrith 's consecration was a specifically Mercian matter for he was being consecrated as Offa 's successor in Mercia , and it may be that Offa desired archiepiscopal status for the Mercian bishop who would officiate and whom he had always intended should do so .
3 It may be that questions asked at T 1 cause respondents to develop and shift attitudes during the T 1 — T 2 period possibly through private discussion or , if the study is sufficiently large , public controversy .
4 It may be that depredations had occurred before they got to Strichen ; Boswell , who had visited fifteen years earlier , clearly expected more from the druidical circle , although whether to impress Johnson further , or to avoid being thought an inaccurate provider of anticipations , is difficult to tell , as he does not expand beyond saying , ‘ …
5 It may be that Taylor had again asked for a reduction of Royalty .
6 This is the kind of matter upon which historians will forever disagree , but it may be that Swegen did have his position in Denmark threatened by Swedes and Slavs at some time in the 990s .
7 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 87 ) comments that the word ‘ Athena ’ has a form suggesting a pre-Greek place-name , so it may be that Athena originated as the Potnia worshipped at a place called Athens or something similar .
8 It may be that Borg realised quite soon that family life was not going to carry him through the great silence left behind by his renunciation of that terrible drug , competitiveness .
9 It may be that Henry had to dispense largess to make it acceptable to his lords ; but the Feoda is evidence that he had somehow overcome potential opposition , and could now capitalize on his position at the apex of the feudal pyramid in the county .
10 Or else it might be that Hilbert had left Adam some small memento or keepsake …
11 I do n't know , but it might be that Luke thought Elise would turn out to be one of my problems — a bad influence on me .
12 It is hard to put a value on a company which has large assets and turnover , but which is barely profitable , and it could be that BAe found the price it had to pay for Rover just too good to refuse .
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