Example sentences of "it [vb mod] not be [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 It may not be charged on similar sales to purchasers outside the EC .
2 And your man Jimmy Hill said that afterwards , like that was n't fair , it should n't be done on that .
3 it should not be built on high-grade agricultural land ;
4 Mistakes made by confusing and mixing units are very prevalent , so this conversion should be the first part of the answer to the question ; it should not be done on scraps of paper .
5 The educational implication is not that the contestation of caricatures of black histories and cultures in school texts should cease , but that it should not be premised on the stifling aesthetic of the positive image .
6 It was agreed by the parties that if the proviso on its true construction operated as a restraint of trade it could not be justified on the ground of reasonableness .
7 Peace was clearly desired , and if it could not be arranged on these agreed terms , it must be found by other means .
8 It could not be done on this day and at this spot but he had heard and seen enough of the bouldery , rocky , unstable earth treachery of the district to know that it was possible .
9 It was a bit of a Catch 22 situation because without signing the car could not be tested and without a test it could not be driven on the road . ’
10 It could not be accomplished on the run though I made some schematic doodles based on observation : the way , for example , drainage run-off channels bulldozed off the sides of the track echoed the pattern of the tree branches or veins on a leaf .
11 It was ruled clearly that as this was being automatically sent to the Select Committee on Privileges , it could not be discussed on the Floor of the House .
12 But the er but it ca n't be done on modern alarms now because the bell boxes they use are anti-foam and they probably have two or three alarm
13 It ca n't be beaten on breadth of features — it 's a quality product with excellent support .
14 It ca n't be blamed on the unions or the last Labour Government .
15 This way they would be alerted to Luke 's infidelity , but it would n't be forced on them .
16 He also seemed to indicate that , despite press reports , it would not be treading on General Magic 's toes either .
17 It will not be levied on fuels for export , non-fuel uses of fossil fuels , or renewable sources like solar , geothermal , wind or biomass energy .
18 Even if lexical information can be used to limit subsequent registrations , it will not be done on a word-by-word basis .
19 ‘ But it wo n't be imposed on anybody because the patient 's view remains paramount . ’
20 It wo n't be lost on anyone concerned with the application of this settlement that despite the Secretary of State 's earlier remarks as the democratically controlled public sector , represented by local government , faces further cuts .
21 The game 's just called Putty now , and it wo n't be released on the C64 .
22 The Government are keen to have a constructive debate on housing policy when they can , but it is a pity when it can not be based on proper acknowledgement of the facts .
23 It can not be explained on the grounds that ordinary life is just as tragic ( art is not merely imitation of life ) or by reference to moral feelings or pity and fear .
24 In addition , it is obvious that it can not be relied on until there has been a substantial amount of trading between the same parties .
25 If that income is lawfully accumulated in an irrevocable settlement it can not be taxed on the settlor .
26 It can not be used on suede or synthetic materials .
27 It can not be used on aluminium or galvanised surfaces .
28 In an adult population it can not be excluded on the grounds of age alone .
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