Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [adv] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 One of the mistakes we make is to imagine that if something is harmless or beneficial to us it must automatically be so to cats .
2 But then as we played the 13th I thought it might just be down to Bernhard and Seve .
3 In two years it could well be down to single figures .
4 They were written during the thirties , but much of it would still be up to date — after all , I do not imagine German bombs have altered our countryside so significantly .
5 However , the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it started — it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off .
6 It would then be up to the US and Canada to decide whether they want to face towards the Atlantic or Pacific — or be caught between two great trading oceans .
7 It would then be up to the employee to set up his own business and exploit the patent if he is able to attract venture or loan capital to do so .
8 It would then be up to the American deterrent to avert war .
9 Two , the could proceed without the landlord 's licence , it would then be up to the landlord to apply to the court to have the lease forfeited when you could arrange the defence that you were a reasonable tenant and as such the assignment should have been allowed to permit this course of action but of course you are using bank money as well as your own and the bank would be unhappy to lend money in a situation where there was a possibility , albeit a slight , that the lease would be forfeited .
10 But it will still be up to you to decide the interception angle .
11 For , of course , no matter what it decides , it will still have to comprise a desirable process for the market makers and it will still be up to investors to risk putting their money into the companies concerned .
12 It will then be up to local Health Authorities and Hospital Trusts to decide for themselves what to invest in management development , if Conservative Government remains .
13 It will then be up to a care manager to decide on the level of service .
14 It will then be up to him to decide , in his view , whether he thinks the sentence was unduly lenient or not . ’
15 It will then be up to him to decide , in his view , whether he thinks the sentence was unduly lenient or not . ’
16 It will now be up to the Archbishop of Canterbury to decide if the church should take disciplinary action .
17 So what you really have from the government is a set of guidelines , and it will now be up to each Local Education Authority to interpret those guidelines and to make their own provision .
18 It can only be up to ourselves to either be seduced by this sly trickster and his façade of grandeur or to laugh in the face of his absurdity and bring forth the somewhat obscured benevolence of God , his son , and our first ancestral parents , to achieve some perspective to the poem as a whole .
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