Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [be] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 It is appalling it should be the scene for this attack , ’ he said .
2 It should be the priority for school management .
3 It might be the setting for A Midsummer Night 's Dream , thought Sara ; sleepily stretching herself , and any minute now Titania and her train of fairies might glide across the grass and into the trees .
4 ‘ I think I will ride pillion on the way out , but I reckon it 'll be the sidecar for me on the way back . ’
5 The background establishes the location by showing a silhouette landscape of domes and minarets : it could be the back-drop for a village production of the Desert song .
6 In others it could be the springboard for a two-hour session .
7 I mention this cos it could be THE way for list members to get their tickets from the LUFC ticket office , and avoid all that hopeless phoning .
8 It could be the answer for them all , just as it could be the answer for Len Seager . ’
9 It could be the answer for them all , just as it could be the answer for Len Seager . ’
10 If there is a formal report , it could be the end for Dooley , England 's most capped lock , who was dropped after punching an opponent in the infamous 1987 England-Wales brawl .
11 Energy therefore provides a potentially useful theme throughout the branches of physical geography and there are indications that it could be the basis for a more integrated approach .
12 The status of the document , which was never submitted to the party for approval , is still uncertain , but it could be the basis for new discussions .
13 It could be the reason for everything .
14 If the matches were played at different times , it would be the cause for the outbreak of WW 111 .
15 Soon it would be the time for her evening drink : " Just the one , Gigi , do n't you think ? " she would croon when the old bird , freed from her cage , crawled up to crouch against her cheek .
16 The predicted demand for ISDN — consultancy Prognos reckons it will be the basis for business networks by the year 2000 — and the likelihood that it will become cheaper over time bodes well for the Highlands .
17 Er and Professor is right that it was paragraph B er which at the time was A A er it 's now B B , that caused er me and er my colleagues some difficulty erm in er policy and resources and it will be the reason for which we do n't support it this afternoon .
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