Example sentences of "it [was/were] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I says , do n't tell me , I said , he did the same thing to me the other day , and it were only within a couple of days of each other .
2 It was deep inside the building and , like the cell corridor , received little daylight through its small , high windows .
3 It was either off the train or pay the fine .
4 It was right over the top of this seat look .
5 It was right through the window , the second pane up on the left hand side .
6 Because of the vast size of it and the difficulty of controlling it when sailing single-handed , the spinnaker was n't a sail he used much and it was right at the bottom at the aft end of the sail-locker .
7 It was right at the back of her mind but she could n't get it out .
8 And it was right at the beginning when the demon took over …
9 It was right at the end of the main hunting season , and we had already watched as a group of males had twice unsuccessfully hunted the same group of colobus monkeys that day .
10 A rescue attempt had hitherto been so far at the back of his mind that , if some advanced speculations on the nature and shape of the many-dimensioned multiplexity of the universe were correct , it was right at the front ; but a magic sword was a valuable item …
11 I remember we cleaned it all up , and it was right on the boundary wall between property and .
12 Baffling , this , because it was right on the copy .
13 it was right opposite the pub now , but that was all fields then were n't it ?
14 It was right outside the Rose Bowl , and I had the lease and everything in my briefcase . ’
15 As it was right across the road from college everyone was hanging out the window to see what was happening .
16 It was right across the road and on the pavement .
17 And it was right near the pier was it ?
18 It was right in the centre of the town , next to the Cathedral , and only two or three minutes walk away from the Sheriff Court .
19 Manchester provided a good site for developing a dye industry because it was both at the heart of the Lancashire textile industry and it was close to a developing university .
20 It expressed both distance and presence : it was both of the background and of the sharpest proximity .
21 It was rather like a mid-West movie , as pleasant as that .
22 it was away during the war for scrap but we or maybe not , maybe they took the works away too
23 It was away from the heat of Paris , yet close enough to enable the ministers to travel there without difficulty for the twice weekly Council meetings .
24 Whilst AIDS was not well included as an issue in the campaign , it was clearly at the back of every civil servant 's mind as the details of the Clause were worked out .
25 Although about one fifth of EEC workers were in agriculture in 1958 , it was largely at the insistence of France that the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) came into being .
26 It was largely under the influence of Barnes that the SCS entered into discussions with the Edmonton Society on amalgamation soon after he was re-elected as president of the SCS in January 1919 .
27 It was largely by the force of his own personality that Castro took the Cuban people with him along the road of Marxism-Leninism ( although he was also tactically astute — for a long time implementing only the minimum conditions of Marxism , allowing rhetoric to fill the vacuum , and emphasising the glorious and dramatic aspects of Marxism , notably the armed struggle and proletarian internationalism ) .
28 Conversely , it was theoretically to the advantage of the French kings to have the Plantagenets as feudal inferiors , rather than to expel them from their remaining continental possessions .
29 ‘ I do n't care what went on at the party unless it was blatantly against the law .
30 Well I would say that erm , in my time , er when they became unemployed , most of them could pick up a job pretty easy because I was speaking about from nineteen forty eight onwards , and of course er it was shortly after a war , there was plenty of work , and therefore most of them could pick up a job in a reasonable space of time and they would n't be idle too long .
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