Example sentences of "it [is] not [art] case [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Er I think they genuinely believe their case , it 's not a case that I believe , but I I 've always genuinely respected them for the case they take .
2 And while it may be that the tragic case of the disappearing baronet is one that appears to defy all logic , it is not a case that defies the world 's greatest detective .
3 It is not the case that all her objections are mistaken .
4 I would , however , question the accuracy of the sub-title to the article : it is not the case that the Government ‘ will no longer fund horticultural research ’ .
5 Which is also to say that it is not the case that there is no connection , or that a category mistake is involved in the mere comparison .
6 It is not the case that social dislocation and uncertainty necessarily make people turn to God .
7 Thus it is not the case that each retinal cell connects to one cell , and one cell only , in the visual cortex .
8 It is not the case that the legitimate power of authorities is generally limited by the condition that it is defeated by significant mistakes which are not clear .
9 Thus it is not the case that the spectator 's experience of a film is wholly determined by atomised viewing in the cinema — discussion afterwards with friends or groups , reviews and other contextual factors play their parts in the construction of meanings too .
10 Only order-based summaries such as medians can be transformed in this way ; it is not the case that mean ( log X ) is the same as log ( mean X ) , for example .
11 The establishment of a National Curriculum has certainly been a major historical movement , but it is not the case that nothing was defined prior to 1988 and now everything is defined .
12 Frequently it is not the case that we have no answer to a question — rather , we have too many .
13 Contrary to one popular view , it is not the case that at the Kalmar plant each group of workers builds up a complete car from a box of component parts .
14 Firstly , it is not the case that the evil spirits of the New Testament are remotely similar to animist spirits .
15 That is , we refer to our sensations as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ because they are the sensations which usually go with our bodies being hot or cold ; and it is not the case that we call external things hot and cold because we think there is something in common between them and our bodily sensations .
16 Furthermore , it is not the case that UK corporation tax rates were particularly unfavourable in international terms [ Kay and King , 1978 ] .
17 And to answer a more recent fallacy , it is not the case that Othello wants to believe what Iago tells him , or is an accomplice in this destruction of the truth .
18 The sight of Ronald Reagan on television clearly terrified the Boll Weevils and the Democratic leadership , but , in fact , it is not the case that Reagan , in 1981 , enjoyed high levels of popular approval .
19 Furthermore , apart from the fact that it is often unclear , as a matter of law , whether a decision is illegal or not ( and so it would be unsafe just to ignore it ) , it is not the case that a void decision is for ever void .
20 However , despite what Lord Diplock seemed to believe it is not the case that direct challenges to governmental decisions by way of judicial review are unlikely to raise factual issues : in particular , challenges based on breach of natural justice or on error of fact may well raise difficult and complex issues of fact .
21 The onus , one would have thought , lies on those who would show that it is not the case that the fact that God , whether in the form of the Father or of Christ , has been seen as ‘ male ’ , is an underlying factor in western culture , distorting human relations .
22 We may say , then , that line A is less precise , less specific than line B. Line A is not swallowed up in line B , however ; it is not the case that once we have line B we can dispense with line A. Rather , line B provides the clue or the context within which the uncertainty of line A is resolved .
23 It is not the case that we name one condition as cause because it is different from others in any respect having to do with the relations of which we know .
24 Unfortunately general results are elusive ; it is not the case that any of these constraints will always improve performance , neither is it true that one necessarily dominates another .
25 However , you do not know that you are not a brain in a vat because it is not the case that ( 3 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are a brain in a vat you believe that you are a brain in a vat .
26 Second , it is not the case that from any three elements the fourth can be uniquely predicted .
27 It is not the case that , if the premises of an inductive inference are true , then the conclusion must be true .
28 If it can be demonstrated beyond doubt that a ray of light passing close to the sun is deflected in a curved path , then it is not the case that light necessarily travels in straight lines .
29 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
30 It is not the case that social science theories , once their value-components or culture-boundedness have been revealed , are for that reason relegated to the local museum of the social sciences to become an object of quaint curiosity .
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