Example sentences of "it [is] [adj -er] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's better to be alone when the planes come . ’
2 ‘ But it 's better to be safe than sorry .
3 You 've thought about it — for maybe a whole five seconds — but before you give him the thumbs up , runs these ten questions by him — it 's better to be safe than sorry .
4 It 's better to be safe than sorry — especially at Christmas , as consultant microbiologist Dr Liz Scott tells promotions executive Elizabeth Ollier ( left ) in the BBC Good Food kitchen
5 Yeah how much effect it does have I do n't know because where but I think it 's it 's really basis you know it 's better to be safe than sorry .
6 Manufacturers do put static protection devices on chips so the problem is nowhere near as bad as it was but it 's better to be safe than out of pocket .
7 He says that the message to doctors is : if there 's any suggestion of meningococcal meningitis use penicillin — it 's better to be safe than sorry .
8 Angel tools around London in a black cab , getting into scrapes and surviving by his first rule of life : ‘ It 's better to be lucky than good ’ .
9 It had been a fifty-fifty chance , but it 's better to be lucky than good .
10 It 's better to be lucky than good .
11 Still ( Rule of Life No. 1 ) , it 's better to be lucky than good .
12 It seems that , while girls lack confidence , boys overestimate their ability — and in this case , it 's safer to be cautious .
13 ‘ Yes , it 's harder to be entrepreneurial in the public sector than in the private one and there are more rules , but they are good rules and in fact there are more similarities between the two sectors than differences . ’
14 It 's harder to be frightened on your own .
15 In planning public expenditure it is better to be prudent and make a deliberately cautious assumption on the growth of future resources . ’
16 My point is , that it is better to be prudent than happy .
17 This would avoid civil actions , which are often defeated because individual victims , even when they decide to act co-operatively , are rarely a match for corporations who decide it is better to be prudent than just .
18 It is better to be beautiful than to be good . ’
19 ( Although the user may recover before the ambulance arrives , it is better to be safe than sorry . )
20 ‘ I hope I have n't alarmed you unnecessarily , but it is better to be safe than sorry . ’
21 However , as it is difficult to know the history of every disk you are presented with then it is better to be safe than sorry .
22 However , as it is difficult to know the history of every disk you are presented with then it is better to be safe than sorry .
23 We put it in the grammatically imperative mood in order to show up starkly its difference from factual statements , but also to leave room to interpret it according to circumstances as the strong ‘ One ought to be aware of this ’ , or as ‘ It is a good thing to be aware of this ’ , or in diminishing degrees , as the prospect of something coming within one 's range of choice becomes remote , ‘ Other things being equal , it is better to be aware of it than not ’ .
24 Many transracially adopted children are aware that the darker their skin colour the more undesirable they are to white society ; and many feel it is better to be white than black .
25 Also if the focus is on an ability to communicate then it is better to be able to see the visual as well as the aural aspects of the interaction .
26 It is harder to be confident about Romania , if only because politicians there , of whatever stripe , mostly treat their opponents as liars and scoundrels .
27 It is likely to be easier to commit crime in urban areas in that it is easier to be unnoticed and to remain anonymous in such areas .
28 It is easier to be objective about , and therefore to recognise , the social bias of mathematics questions from abroad .
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