Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [adj] ask [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It is simply necessary to ask whether the matter the whether the land is open land or not open land .
2 It is also crucial to ask whether the media are able to cope with this growth in information and whether they can do anything to counter the efforts of governments to manipulate it for their own ends .
3 If for many contract computer staff their employment is more permanent than temporary , it is also pertinent to ask whether it is more safe than precarious .
4 My spontaneous recoil from awareness of others ' troubles ( or of future danger to myself ) is no less or more natural than my impulse to sympathy or cruelty ( or to avoid or irrationally court danger ) when I do become aware ; it is as pointless to ask whether human nature is selfish or unselfish as whether it is improvident or far-sighted .
5 It is therefore legitimate to ask whether these intra-word letter constraints are used in visual word-recognition , or whether the identification of each letter in a word is carried out independently .
6 In general L and P are not equal and it is therefore reasonable to ask if there are theoretical reasons for favouring one over the other .
7 Nonetheless , these broad relationships remain permissive rather than causal and , although rural recreation studies have produced remarkably concurrent findings , as outlined earlier in this chapter , while these relationships remain permissive it is still fair to ask if rural recreation geography has come of age .
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