Example sentences of "it [is] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 're the times when when actually look at which ones we 'd use remember the strengths in these some of the biggest yes you can go into greater detail you can see the reaction face to face you 'll get feedback straight away verbal as well as non-verbal er you know immediately what the answer is if there 's if you 're waiting for some sort of reply to it , you 'll have more effect because it 's face to face erm , cheap on material but it 's expensive on time you do n't have a formal written record and it can be very time consuming .
2 Now the reason I used the word association is that it 's different from correlation which is what we 're gon na talk about shortly .
3 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
4 It 's a kind of exam — and it 's important to school yourself to be good at exams .
5 When a programme has been developed to a stage where it is appropriate to subject it to observational tests it is confirmations rather than falsifications that are of paramount importance , according to Lakatos .
6 This is the position known as materialism ; it is opposed to idealism which , in a broad sense , sees the basis of human existence as abstract spiritual concepts whose origin can not be explained by natural circumstances .
7 It is unclear at present what the proposal will say about London Weighting ( LW ) .
8 It is rare for usage which is in the form of the exchange 's actual rules , as distinct from other trade usage , to be considered unreasonable .
9 In addition to the General Development Order , it is possible for Parliament itself to grant specific planning permission .
10 When it is electro-plated with silver it is called electro-plated nickel silver ( EPNS ) .
11 Trying an idea out on somebody is a very good way of exposing flaws in your argument , and in fact if we look at the present energy debate , so much of it is concerned with interpretation which one would have thought , taking a simple view of science , were just factual matters that we realize that this discussion of science is perhaps more difficult than people would imagine , so there is opportunity in the course to try and help students to become more fluent in scientific discussion , discussion of scientific ideas between themselves , and of their own ideas about science .
12 In this it is analogous to reality itself ; that is , the ordinary individuated reality in which we , as individuals , live .
13 The effect of non-jurisdictional error of law is different ; the affected decision has legal effect from the very beginning because although it is wrong in law it is not illegal .
14 It is useless to beetle your brow in what you clearly believe to be a threatening fashion .
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