Example sentences of "it [is] [adj] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 oh I 'll get it , it 's all mucked up in it , got ta clean the shed next thing
2 It 's a bit difficult to get the tomato out cos it 's all chopped in with the mince you see .
3 No but it 's all tied up with this role of national accounts
4 Again it 's part of the nervousness yeah I 'm gon na put me notes down there and I 'm not gon na hold them I you know I do n't want to be anywhere away from them so it 's all tied up with the preparation as well .
5 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
6 It 's all tied up in the shops . ’
7 Well it takes all th , no it 's all tied in with the plumbing you see , it 's there and everything .
8 It 's all stripped apart at the moment !
9 All right then and I hope it 's all calmed down by then as well .
10 Yes but it 's all based down on cutting more .
11 There 's some in Nottingham , in one of the mus museum , that has the Nottingham coat of arms , I think it has the council house and various things , and it 's all done mechanically on a huge machine that er is a repetition in each bay It 's probably thirty , forty foot long , but in each bay of about seven foot it 's separate curtain .
12 Okay , no it 's , I 'm just going by the one at school and it , because it 's all made up of little dots you
13 Yeah , well say it 's all sold out by then .
14 Due mid-September also is a double album of ‘ Haçienda Classics ’ , from New Order to Marshall Jefferson , and it 's all topped off with a party at the club itself on Sept 14 .
15 And there used to be a a little croft croft there of long ago , and it 's er it 's all planted now with trees all round about it but I suppose they could still see where they used to be A black smith had stayed there .
16 He said , said you were just standing there and all of a sudden he said you looked at me looked back at the wall just went pee he said it 's all come out , it 's all splattered all over the wall he said , you did your fly up , wiped your mouth , washed your hands and went out again as if nothing had happened .
17 It 's all wired up in the back as well .
18 it 's all set down in my statement .
19 You get the same piece of pizza whether it 's two shared out between six , four shared out between twelve or one shared out between three or twenty four shared out between a lot of people .
20 The study suggests that women under 50 with breast cancer are more likely to die from the disease if it is first picked up by mammograms than if they discover the lump by feeling their breasts .
21 It is all done automatically by ordinary natural selection .
22 Answer guide : Generally expenses are more certain in amount and it is easier to identify what has been used up as it is all used up in one period .
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