Example sentences of "it [is] [adj] [noun] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Well for us just going here it 's thirteen pound it cost me .
2 It 's piss-all information you had .
3 It 's that stuff I made last year and
4 It 's that sterilizer you asked me to watch , Nurse Dungarvan .
5 Perhaps it 's that bloke who locked the gates in Gibraltar so they could n't get into Spain .
6 Well this is what she said ju just now , yeah well not just now , earlier on , she said about getting out there and I said well I 'm sure it 's that place she said well it 's the only one out there that she could think of .
7 He went up , and it 's first time he 'd seen her for a while and she said something about , oh he was supposed to have something but he got to hear this well it 's got nothing to do with all the others .
8 It 's this dream which prompted Rita to leave her Caribbean home for Canada six years ago .
9 It 's high time somebody did — and how you tolerate her I 'll never know .
10 It is a little close to Christmas , but that seems a good excuse for a party and it 's high time we entertained some of our friends .
11 It 's high time we kept some of the old G M W rules .
12 Like you , it 's high time I returned to the real world . ’
13 If this sounds familiar , then it 's high time you took a fresh look at your hair .
14 Well , Paul , as a respectable married man it 's high time you went home .
15 You presented me with a daughter lately it 's high time you had a present yourself . ’
16 Well , it 's high time you did , Harris .
17 " Then I reckon it 's high time you did .
18 ‘ Well , I think it 's high time you stopped looking like something out of the last century , do n't you , my sweet ? ’ her stepmother said .
19 ‘ Then it 's high time you stopped behaving like a child , young lady , ’ her father said .
20 ‘ I think it 's high time you stopped making snap judgements , Mr Bryce , especially as the conclusions you leap to are invariably the wrong ones . ’
21 I it 's these bones what hurt here .
22 ‘ I know you and Niall did n't exactly get off to a good start , but if it 's any consolation you caught him at a bad time .
23 look , you 're going to have it on the floor , will you hold it up straight please or I might have to scream , shall I scream ? , it 's alright Richard he did n't spill any
24 It 's another joke they had , like Papa Burger and the spectacles .
25 It is this Government which introduced Dublin rule through the Anglo-Irish Agreement and gave encouragement to the terrorists and they 're responding in kind . ’
26 It is this relationship which led to Ernest Newman 's remark that , ‘ The ballet was living music ’ ( see page 41 ) .
27 It is this development which made Channel Four so special and which continues to demonstrate the possibility of encouraging differences through imaginative regulatory and funding mechanisms .
28 It is this task which began Marx 's and Engels 's study and analysis of anthropological works .
29 It is these goods which provided the material for the ‘ nation of shopkeepers ’ image of Britain held by her contemporaries .
30 It is these colleagues who deposed Khrushchev , not the Armed Forces .
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