Example sentences of "it [vb past] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These are examined with the intention of establishing a ‘ vocabulary ’ of Unionism and to chart how it changed over the period as a whole .
2 Philip hoisted it with a stick so it hung over the branch of a tree .
3 ( 2 ) Directing that the money remain in court , that , where solicitors sought payment out to them of money belonging to a foreign state , if the court was not satisfied that the solicitors had authority to act on behalf of that state , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require them to obtain that authority and ensure that the money remained under the court 's control meanwhile ; that the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a regime existed as the government of a state were whether it was the constitutional government of the state , the degree , nature and stability of administrative control that it exercised over the territory of the state , whether Her Majesty 's Government had any dealings with it and the nature of any such dealings and , in marginal cases , the extent of its international recognition as the government of the state ; that on the evidence , M. 's interim government did not become the constitutional successor of the former government and was unable to show that if it was exercising any administrative control over the territory of the Republic of Somalia ; and , accordingly , the instructions and authority the solicitors had received from the interim government were not from the Government of the Republic of Somalia , and no part of the proceeds in court should be paid out to the solicitors without further order of the court ( post , pp. 750G–H , 757E–G ) .
4 The petrol burst into flame as it flew over the wick in the tiny steel cup , roared through the air and fell brightly on and around the two rabbits .
5 The rope beside Grant went taut and began to give off creaking noises of friction at the point where it disappeared over the edge of the stone coping , as it took the weight of the climbing man below .
6 It fell over the edge of the road and down into the valley .
7 It went over the green into the crowd .
8 The rise in the share of transfers ( pensions , dole , etc. ) also probably took the form ( as it did over the period as a whole ; see chapter 9 ) of an extension of coverage of schemes rather than of a growth in real value in excess of productivity .
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