Example sentences of "it [vb past] [vb pp] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In what was seen as a crucial breakthrough for efforts to avert massive famine in the Horn of Africa [ see p. 37845 ] the World Food Programme announced on Dec. 18 that it had secured the definite agreement of the Ethiopian government and leaders of the Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) guerillas to open the Red Sea port of Massawa , closed to shipping since its capture by the EPLF in February .
2 It had made the national press .
3 In a rare act of editorial humility , the paper acknowledged that it had made the same mistake itself .
4 It had made the fatal error of overkill .
5 By fortunate chance , often a major factor in war , Hawke , on the afternoon of 16 November , learned from a victualling ship which was returning empty from taking supplies to the blockading force that it had sighted the French fleet the previous day .
6 The Inquisition ‘ had suppressed the truths of philosophy , physics and geology ’ ; it had enslaved the Spanish mind and denied progress .
7 so there you , you get on the accounts you get a , a er , apparently , income er extension of the scheme budget by nearly four thousand pounds , three , eight , then you go back with what Lord was asking you about and I just want you to explain it if you can , if you ca n't tell me , as he drew your attention to surplus per audited account at August ninety nineteen one , a hundred and eight , eighty , so that , in fact the year ending nineteen ninety two , along these accounts we 're dealing with , in fact the expenditure of exceeded budget by nearly four thousand , the previous year er in nineteen ninety one er it had gone the other way that er
8 If Offa thought he could attempt ‘ to deal on equal terms ’ with Charlemagne , therefore , he was mistaken , and the likelihood is that the Frankish court had come to view his ascendancy in southern England with misgivings , destroying as it had done the traditional shape of political power in the south-east .
9 ( A statement on Jan. 10 by Farouq Qaddumi , head of the political department of the PLO executive committee , declared that Palestinians were proud of the Iraqi stance and blamed the USA alone for the failure of the talks , since it had ignored the central issue , i.e. Palestine . )
10 James Hadley , writing his will in 1532 , remembered the church as one of Somerset 's ‘ holy places ’ , and by the late eighteenth century it had become the frequent destination of topographical writers who came searching for the romantically sublime .
11 It had become the regular haunt of hearty working men with fearsome bottom cleavage , who shared an appreciation of small newspapers with big headlines , a moderate spread at an affordable price and a well-turned ankle .
12 In local elections on Dec. 17 , 1989 [ see also p. 37197 ] , the PSD won 31.46 per cent of the vote ( as compared with 50.2 per cent in the July 1987 general election when it had become the only party in the post-1974 era to secure an absolute parliamentary majority — see pp. 35388-90 ) .
13 Positivism in turn can be seen as a set of ideas tending to reinforce the ideological domination ( or ‘ hegemony ’ ) of the bourgeois class at a yet later stage when it had become the ruling class in Europe : if criminal actions can be described as the result of mindless pathology rather than rational choice this both absolves capitalism of any blame for crime and helps to delegi-timize protest against the existing order ( Taylor et al. , 1973 : ch. 2 ) .
14 Critics argued that it had legitimised the Soviet system in Eastern Europe without providing anything meaningful in return .
15 Already it had whipped the shallow water inside the reef into short seas , white-capped and capable of stopping the big cat in its tracks if he had tried sailing for the far point and Belpan City .
16 Days later I realised he was trying to tell me about the Brighton bombing ; it had occurred the same morning .
17 It was a knife 's edge of a mood , and by the merest fraction it had tipped the wrong way .
18 For Seldes it was contemporary drama that had been to blame , for it had encouraged the young movie industry to take ‘ the slice of life ’ as its subject-matter .
19 The Ministry of the Interior announced on Nov. 20 that it had exempted the dissident writer Duong Thu Huong from criminal responsibility .
20 Brazil was a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , but although it had signed the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America ( the Treaty of Tlatelolco — see p. 22505 ) it had not signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT — see p. 22787 ) , and for this reason had been allowed no international shipments of nuclear fuel since 1978 .
21 The march was allowed by police to pass into the vast Manezh Square beside the Kremlin walls after it had overspilled the intended venue for its concluding rally , outside the Moscow city soviet building on Gorky Street , but a heavy police cordon prevented the marchers from entering nearby Red Square .
22 The election of Mamaloni as Prime Minister in March 1989 , following emergence from the February 1989 general election as the largest single party [ see pp. 36465 ; 36526 ] had been widely perceived as the beginning of a new era in that it had provided the first instance of single-party government since independence in 1978 .
23 On Feb. 21 the Military Council announced that it had restored the 1921 Constitution of the Georgian Democratic Republic .
24 The Mexican government protested against the kidnapping of Alvarez on the grounds that it had violated the 1978 extradition treaty between the two countries , and demanded the return of the doctor so that he could be prosecuted in Mexico .
25 It had taken the last half-hour to muster the courage to mention the subject yet again .
26 Thinking it had taken the old baggage long enough to show some concern , and it would take more than a few mumbled words to alter things .
27 If it had published the full document as originally written , we would know that there are some real nasties in it .
28 It is unlikely that the ILP retained more than half its membership one year after it had left the Labour Party .
29 The Ladbroke Group announced that it had acquired the 505 room Dom Hotel in Berlin , one of East Germany 's most prestigious hotels , as the Berlin Hilton .
30 It no longer needed the wealthy connoisseur for his erudition , it had acquired the relevant expertise into its own hands , but it still needed his recognition to be acceptable to society .
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