Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp has had second thoughts about its planned workforce cuts and realises that as it intends to hire 10,000 new graduates over the period to 1997 , it will have to get rid of 43,000 people rather than the 33,000 it announced earlier to meet its target of 200,000 by 1997 .
2 It signed a standstill agreement under which it promised not to increase its holding for three years .
3 Heathrow was very busy as usual but it helped not having our luggage to carry as it was booked right through to our final destination .
4 His mind fought off the idea furiously , and yet it came back to fret his certainty again .
5 Her hand drifted to the back of his head and without any conscious decision of her own it pressed lightly to bring his mouth to her aching , demanding breast .
6 Even when , as we show later , Brazil had an opportunity to do so when it invited the multinationals to establish its automobile industry , it chose not to exercise its power for fear of discouraging potential entrants .
7 It went on to declare its opposition to a strict line on suspension of those countries in default in meeting IMF repayment obligations , which , it said , " will not serve a useful purpose and is not acceptable " .
8 It went on to discuss what form the opinion should take , including where a reservation of opinion would be required .
9 As fast as it came in , it went out to clear his debt .
10 Looming over the Everqueen it reached out to caress her cheek with its claw .
11 Where equity supplemented the common law , as by the recognition of uses and the grant of equitable remedies for the infringement of legal rights , it was not particularly repugnant to common lawyers because it did not countermand their authority .
12 What is , however , essential is that Posidonius was very worried about the social turbulence of his time , even if it did not affect his home island , Rhodes , as seriously as the Greek mainland .
13 Dally goes as far as to state that it indicates a bad prognosis for the disease , but I am glad to be able to report that although my jealousy continued into my adolescence , including the anorexic period , it did not deter my recovery , and that my sisters and I are now the best of friends .
14 Eastman Kodak put Interactive on the block at least six months ago because it did not fit its core business interests .
15 In conversation with the boys they learnt of Minton 's homosexuality and though this ruled him out as a potential husband it did not diminish their desire to be in his company .
16 Souness may have been banished to the stands , but it did not stop his side from assaulting the Russian goal as early as the second minute when Don Hutchison drove Steve McManaman 's cross over .
17 Even when the Senate 's own inquiry reported that his charges were ‘ a fraud and a hoax ’ it did not stop his rocket rise to influence .
18 On 1 May 1937 , the National Executive of the Labour Party warned the Federation that it would be automatically disaffiliated within a month if it did not alter its constitution .
19 Despite its enormous membership , the LNU in the 1920s had not been a popular movement — it did not see its function primarily as campaigning to change Government policy .
20 He had given her no help throughout the night but it did not lessen her love .
21 Yes , probably , but it did not lessen her joy in the past ten years of leisured , ladylike existence and in the arrival of innumerable small parcels .
22 It did not cross her mind — and would not , for several years — that Peter could not supply a complete companionship and that she would intermittently always yearn for metaphorical chocolate .
23 In other words a person may be deceived even though it did not cross his mind whose wine he was buying .
24 The councillors argued that the company traditionally expatriated such large profits to the UK that it did not merit its share of about £150,000 of the grant .
25 It did not catch my foot , for I was already wheeling away , but it crashed down on my wing and caught it in its grip .
26 The jury hearing the suit was unable to reach a decision and although the six-month trial was reported in England it did not destroy his reputation .
27 ‘ Charles Paris had a brave stab at the part , but unfortunately it did not survive his attack . ’
28 It did not solve his problem but the poor fellow had to make out his report and he had to find some element of evidence and so far he had n't got much to write down .
29 It is appropriate to try to discover if such institutions were ever actually the way they had been previously presented by a scholarship interested ( even if it did not declare its interest ) in constructing its own version of the past to answer its own preoccupations .
30 It did not replace my fascination for mammals , birds and reptiles .
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