Example sentences of "it [vb past] [pron] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dropped a tile and it pierced it right the way through .
2 It made her more a person and less a policewoman .
3 Ace took the note and read it , finding that it told her where the Doctor and Howard had gone .
4 When I lost my first serve in the first set , it threw me off a bit .
5 It shook me up the way the split was done for the 1990 US Open .
6 I chested my way through and stood panting and blinking in a glass-walled theatre of spacious light , the air so dustless and oceanic that it showed you only the dirt in your human eyes .
7 And er we were coming out of We were getting the tub out an and er me brother was at the front end of th It went off the rails and er as he pushed it back , I was at the back and it jammed me again the face , and broke this collar bone .
8 Oh I think an electric drill it was in the sixties so with the twenty five pounds off it brought it down a bit and I , I paid for it with one cheque so I was n't having it on the weekly er er it worked out I think Vicki gave some of it towards it .
9 ‘ Not bad I s'pose , but it brought you down a bit . ’
10 The car park was empty but for the elderly gentleman 's massive Ford , which was just crunching over the gravel towards the road , an old but impressive bronze Aston Martin which Charlotte supposed must belong to Gus — it sent him up a couple of notches in her regard — and the school bus , still stationary , boiling over with bored boys , and emitting a plaintive chorus of : ‘ Why are we waiting ? ’
11 It took me quite a while to rebuild my confidence .
12 To tell the truth , it took me quite a while to realize that the pitiable chirruping I heard all about me was , in fact , human speech .
13 It took me quite a while to convince him that my being with you was because I was trying to persuade you to — ’
14 It took me quite a while to cope with the shock . ’
15 A divorced friend of mine said that it took her about a year to reach the breakthrough .
16 Well , erm , of course it took them quite a while that the people
17 It took him nearly an hour to assemble the rest of the stick who had been dragged all over the desert by their parachutes .
18 He says it took him about a year to recover but now he 's fine here .
19 It took us over an hour the following morning to get through this pass , a notorious place for ambushes .
20 You could say this for the new position : it took us back a way from the medical cut and thrust .
21 It took us about an hour by bus to get into the Central Market but in the last year we were there , the public transport system collapsed and we had to go home in trucks just as if we were cattle .
22 I think it took us about an hour and a half to get home !
23 It took us quite a while to persuade other people just how much tennis in general could benefit , especially in those countries where Government grants are dependent on Olympic membership , if tennis was once again a member of the Olympic family .
24 It gave her quite a shock , ’ said Bob Murray , managing director of the International Freight firm in Small Heath , Birmingham , where Carolyn has worked for three years .
25 It gave me quite a shock .
26 It gave me quite a thrill .
27 It astonished her how the passage of time had censored from his memory everything except the trimmings like crackers , turkeys and mince pies ; and he 'd imagined , in the place of the emotional strain and physical surfeit he 'd forgotten , a wholly fictitious jollity .
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