Example sentences of "it [vb past] [verb] [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 Also in Scandinavia was an important study of the mass movement processes on the slopes of Kärkevagge ( Rapp , 1960 ) and this was important not only because it endeavoured to quantify all of the processes that affect a slope in a subarctic environment , but also because it established the relative significance of the different processes and concluded that the most effective agent of removal was running water removing material in solution .
2 It offered to put some of the Mrs on railways in the 1990s , but this solution was never very popular outside the Air Force , which wanted anything so long as it was cheap — lest it have to take money from other projects .
3 However , it did detect all of the following viruses : Haifa , Involunt , Maltese Amoeba , V2P2 , V2P6 , V2p6Z , Word-1391 , Word-1485 , PCFlu-2 and Tequila .
4 In the pilot scheme , the centre 's staff took about 20 hours to compile one chart , largely because it had to do much of the cartography by hand .
5 It had adopted some of the theology of sixteenth-century Reformers and some of the learning of nineteenth-century Protestant scholars , but very little of it was genuinely very modern in terms of the second half of the twentieth century , and hardly anything in it challenged in the slightest the more basic dogmas of Catholic theology , Trinitarian , incarnational and sacramental .
6 She had never seen her mother 's withered leg ; indeed , imagining it had fuelled some of the worst nightmares of her childhood , worse even than Afghanistan which was at least safely half a world anyway , not just down a corridor , released from its sheath of leather and metal , grotesque and awful .
7 Overall , it could by the end of the transitional phase claim that it had changed the basis of economic competition by removing many restrictive practices and that it had eased some of the pain of economic decline by its policies towards those aging coal and steel plants that were coming to the end of a useful life .
8 The weather had been dry for some time and , fanned by an easterly wind , the fire spread rapidly until , within three days , it had engulfed most of the city .
9 But where Paula 's hair had shone and bounced as if it had caught some of the morning 's sunlight her own was straight and mouse coloured , where Paula 's eyes were the clearest , sharpest green hers were muddied to a very ordinary shade of hazel .
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