Example sentences of "it [adv] [vb mod] not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However subjective the ‘ standard of living adequate for health and wellbeing ’ , it obviously can not be achieved if population is outstripping subsistence .
2 It obviously can not be justified .
3 The initial hypothesis suggested above about baptism being more a social than a religious ceremony is so general and broad that it obviously can not be tested without being broken down into its constituent parts .
4 In the second place , Mr. Glick for the revenue pointed out that in the State Trials report , 20 St.Tr. 239 , it appeared that the Crown did not suggest that if the duty was not payable in law it nevertheless could not be recovered .
5 It also should not be forgotten that Hastings has toured New Zealand three times in recent years — for the World Cup in 1987 , with Scotland in 1990 and the World XV last year — an experience which Carling can not match .
6 It is in neither 's interest for the contract to be kept in suspense indefinitely in circumstances where it clearly can not be performed .
7 Unless you or your club subscribe to the amount required , it probably will not be raised , the defence for the Act will not be mounted and many miles of river will be lost .
8 The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , 1884 Formen is the most detailed discussion of pre-capitalist society in Marx 's mature work and it really can not be understood except as a part of the background for the more fully completed works Marx was either planning or did wrote , especially Capital .
9 While the double-blind trial is well suited to testing of conventional drugs it often can not be applied to complementary therapies , for instance , the acupuncturist must establish a close link with the patient during treatment , and the therapist must know which points he is needling and possibly modify them as the patient 's responses change .
10 Such regulations can have a material impact on the performance of these industries and it surely can not be accepted that audit reports be presented to the Secretary of State of a government that has imposed them .
11 It surely can not be thought coincidental that these precise geometric patterns have been set out in the Wiltshire countryside .
12 It simply would not be tolerated for the old style to continue at the expense of progress . ’
13 It simply can not be assumed that samples selected for their distinctiveness on one variable will vary randomly on others .
14 It simply can not be said how often two people with similar needs in this direction marry .
15 But it certainly could not be said of the master-manufacturers that theirs was the whisper of a faction , nor of the unions in their post-1832 revolutionary phase that theirs was the voice of the nation .
16 It certainly should not be thought that he overthrew all other kings .
17 The collection could have provided the costumes for any blood-curdling remake of The Name of the Rose , but it certainly will not be offering its bewildered clients the perfect festive frock next season .
18 It certainly can not be limited just to matters of contempt but must relate to the other coercive jurisdictions of the court .
19 It certainly can not be argued that the ‘ development plan position will have been clarified ’ or that the Review ( or the Draft ) ‘ will be complete and offer good guidelines as to the issues to be tackled and the Council 's attitude to them ’ .
20 Being advertised as ‘ the shape of things to come ’ by Mr Barnes and his fellow society members , it certainly can not be ignored .
21 Given this degree of ambiguity in the chronological indicators , it certainly can not be regarded as out of the question that Oswiu died and Ecgfrith became king in the early months of 671 .
22 This may be due to its availability as a popular aquarium fish , but it certainly can not be attributed to lack of sex identification .
23 While it certainly can not be claimed to be a panacea for all ills , and no system of therapeutics has yet turned out to be that , it is an approach which I would not like to be without .
24 Until the time for felling , it therefore could not be said which trees were within the contract .
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