Example sentences of "it [adv] [vb past] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It duly approached the Educational Research Centre of the Essex Institute of Higher Education with the suggestion that a proposal for funding be made to the British Library Research and Development Department ( BLR&DD ) .
2 MI5 will remain as unaccountable as it always has been and since it blatantly ignored the 1952 directive for over three decades without once being publicly called to account there is no reason to believe that MI5 will be any more law-abiding now .
3 In early 1944 , Stilwell 's army began to advance from India , building a road as it slowly approached the Japanese base at Myitkyina , 240 kilometres distant .
4 Although the merger gave Roh control of 216 of the 299 seats in the National Assembly it provoked widespread resentment on the grounds that it effectively removed the elected opposition .
5 Anselm 's departure contributed nothing to the solution of his own problems ; it only benefited the royal treasury , to which the archiepiscopal revenues were now added .
6 It only became the grandest villa when Henry Pease bought it and began work .
7 This time they killed Charlie 's father , which was a silly mistake because it only made the young fool sign up to fight the lot of them on his own .
8 And it only had the one door .
9 It did not prevent infection ; it only checked the later multiplication of the parasite after infection had taken place .
10 It suddenly seemed the best solution .
11 Another speaker at the Congress , the communist deputy V. I. Belov , argued that the Russian Republic was in fact in a position of some disadvantage compared with the other republics , since it alone lacked the full range of party , state and scientific institutions .
12 The partial pressure of a component gas is the pressure the gas would exert if it alone occupied the total volume at the same temperature .
13 It merely retarded the successional process by enhancing the competitive ability of the herbs , in this case Phytolacca rivinoides ( Phytolaccaceae ) , which dominated .
14 The ‘ broad approach ’ was that the rule in O'Reilly v. Mackman did not apply generally against bringing actions to vindicate private rights in all circumstances in which those actions involved a challenge to a public law act or decision , but that it merely required the aggrieved person to proceed by judicial review only when private law rights were not at stake .
15 Maybe it just seemed the right time , and the right place … ’
16 Between the ages of 33 and 33–½ my mind changed , I think due to mere terror , or the outrageous ageing process , or gross deliberate indulgence , or love and emotion , or noticing that all around me friends and enemies were having children and were tons happier than I ever thought possible , or all of a sweet serious sudden it just seemed the only thing to do .
17 I went into London and I picked up this Tokai and just fell in love with it — it just had the perfect neck .
18 It just hit the right spot .
19 But because it already occupied the existing space for electoral politics , the layer of educated and professional younger community leaders who might have become involved in politics was atomised .
20 It soon developed the atomic bomb .
21 Hence Jacobitism , the belief that James II and his heirs were the rightful rulers of Scotland ( and possibly England as well ) took far deeper root in Scotland than England , where it soon became the mere dream of a few impractical romantics .
22 It soon forced the back door out , and then took away a great part of his furniture .
23 It easily financed the 1992–93 PSBR , though two factors will not be repeated — the huge demand for gilts after the Tories unexpectedly won the April 1992 election and the boost to sterling funding from the massive sale of foreign-currency reserves during the ERM crisis .
24 It thus became the eukaryotic cell .
25 It thus overtook the National Liberation Front ( FLN ) , the ruling party since 1962 , which won only 15 seats ; it had won 23.5 per cent of the vote but many of its votes were cast in constituencies where the FLN lost narrowly to the FIS , which itself had won 47.5 per cent of the vote .
26 DAVID Jason 's latest TV role as hard-nosed sleuth Jack Frost was a guaranteed hit long before it ever reached the small screen .
27 It further entailed the immediate resignation — on pain of excommunication — of all but the last cure of souls which had been obtained by the unlicensed pluralist ; the licensed pluralist was allowed to keep whichever two he chose .
28 The interior of the farmhouse had been opened out into a reception office , though it still had the original stone floor and a pretty impressive fireplace in the middle of one wall .
29 It still behoved the middle class trader to play fair with his customers and not take advantage of good-natured country parsons and ignorant members of the labouring classes .
30 It still helped the remote chance of getting people to come to the meetings .
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