Example sentences of "it [adv] [adv] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's just that for that , I mean that 's all , it 's all relative for those conditions there are , there is too much labour on the land , you erm , if you could increase agricultural productivity in a way that would displace labour and that 's very difficult to do , well you can , you can do it er most , most capital is labour displacing but not all , not all capital , erm so you could , whereas I see , I see what you are saying is that , why well the you could g you could , you could do it right even though that there are a lot of people on the land er you could still make them wholly productive by giving them more capital that was n't labour that was n't labour displacing , like you give them better seeds for example , like that would increase the productivity of the land , there would n't be so much you know population pressure on the land er because everybody would have enough to eat and we could er actually sell something , right .
2 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
3 But I would be surprised if I did after this year , although , at this stage , I am still playing well enough and I am enjoying it enough so that if I want to play another tournament , I can . ’
4 But I would be surprised if I did after this year , although , at this stage , I am still playing well enough and I am enjoying it enough so that if I want to play another tournament , I can . ’
5 Was n't it just before or after her husband died ?
6 Was n't it just before or after her husband died ?
7 the safe , the safety aspect of it and I do n't think you 'll get a true representation of the traffic flows if you did it both together cos like you say people will be diverting
8 Yet he deposited her on it as carefully as if she were china , and that brought a weak tear to her eye .
9 They were uncertain of her , she could feel it as surely as if they 'd appointed a spokesman to stand up and tell her so .
10 We also recognise that there is a tremendous problem for deferred pensioners in achieving reasonable transfer values er er er it 's a massive problem for them , even where they could find perhaps something to do with that money and a scheme that would do them better , not always , because there , there are people that give bad advice , but there are some that go into it very thoroughly and when it comes down to the bit the transfer value they receive makes it im practically impossible for them to do it .
11 You read it very quickly and and it would almost he had it would be he 'd or whatever it is that the word was you know that y you
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