Example sentences of "it [adv] [adv] [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A man could not become completely impoverished , but it only rarely happened that anyone grew rich . ’
2 " It only really works if you are prepared to work in role alongside the children . "
3 Because it so rarely happens that we all treasure it when it does .
4 And it just so happens that I mentioned to one of my doormen that particular night that I could do with one of those machines to keep a careful check on my blood pressure .
5 It just so happens that I am . ’
6 He was going to leave it tonight it just so happens that I 'm courting tonight
7 He does n't mean anything by it — it just so happens that he inflicts his pent-up frustrations on the person nearest to hand .
8 Although President Nixon may have come to the White House committed to ending the war in Vietnam , it just so happened that his way of ending it was to escalate it .
9 Which in itself was no lie , but it just so happened that she 'd never been allowed to join the other children in such frivolous pastimes , she reflected with a touch of resentment .
10 It just so happened that he , you know , he was alright , and the car was a right-off .
11 What I suspect is that he was inspecting the binding and moved the candle to study it more closely to see if there was a gap between the cover and its backing : underneath the candle flame the writing must have appeared . ’
12 In this situation , it hardly ever helps if you start shouting or losing your cool .
13 It hardly ever happened that someone said something she identified with .
14 The weather here is as fantastic as the scenery , it hardly ever rains and it 's deceptively hot because of the cooling breeze that prevails .
15 It also now appears that his cathedral was considerably bigger than anyone thought , since sections of cylindrical columns from it have been re-used in later works .
16 It probably also means that it was issued while Clovis was still a pagan .
17 Yeah yeah erm you could write just outside it here like save and you could say that you save forty pence .
18 now what gave the reason for that so we can all follow it quite clearly see if I 've got this right , was the reason for the updating of the service charges once a year in the brochure , the fact that if you did n't update the brochure might mislead a prospective purchaser ?
19 The Council declared that the Church of Christ is to be found here , but it no longer says that it is not to be found anywhere else as well .
20 It very rarely happens that you take several fish in one period and then nothing for the remainder of the time you spend on the water .
21 On the other hand , where maggots are regularly fed into the water in swims which bream frequent , it very often happens that they take over completely and all other baits , including bread , are ignored almost entirely .
22 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
23 It never exactly whistles while it works — if anything , it wheezes in its upper reaches — but its torquey character and outright power endow the Sierra with a fleet turn of foot , particularly in the lower gears .
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