Example sentences of "it [det] [verb] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It all became a kind of tribute to the Falklands which was going on at the time of writing .
2 Finally it all becomes a kind of folk drama : Moorhouse gives us the truth word by word .
3 It all becomes a matter of working out how to get something done in the company , and this in itself is a matter of finding the right lever to pull , since all the concentration is on political in-fighting , and only the bare minimum on the actual achievement of a competitive advantage in the real world outside .
4 It all took a lot of investigation , finding paint traces on plaster plugs in the timbers , for example , although some rooms had kept quite clear evidence of both colour and pattern .
5 It all took a lot of hot water and big pans .
6 He was endowed , alas , with a fragile nervous system , so that the strain of it all caused a build-up of neurosis that triggered one heart attack to end his playing career and another dozen years later that ended his life .
7 I tend to paint very quickly , so the paint is always rather damp as I flit round the paper , putting a colour here and one there , and at first it all looks a bit of a jumble .
8 It all seems a bit of an anti-climax , ’ I said idly .
9 Somehow it all seems a bit of an anticlimax after the bold legends of fax 's pioneering days .
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