Example sentences of "it [adj] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The essential feature of the judicial process which makes it unsuitable to deal with polycentric problems is its bipolar and adversary nature .
2 However , it was not at all convinced that a slight penetration with one finger could be regarded as an aggravated assault and yet considered it impractical to distinguish between different forms of digital penetration .
3 These features make it possible to swim by sinusoidal undulations .
4 In part it came about as a reaction to the inordinate complexity of S-R theory but , I believe , it had much more to do with S-R theory 's failure to cope with real psychological problems like the performance of radar operators , and with the availability of machines , computers , with mind-like properties that made it respectable to think in mentalistic terms again .
5 Yet these same people do not deem it improper to call on white people to get involved in other Black national , local or personal struggles , some of which reveal nasty aspects of oppression .
6 Since most university students work from books to hand and find it impracticable to wait for inter-library loan requests — and you can not browse an inter-library loan book before it arrives , any more than you can browse the contents of books in the memory of an ‘ on-line ’ catalogue and not on a shelf in front of you — the result is a major diminution of standards .
7 With this system , we have substantially reduced the capital cost compared with other processes and made it easy to integrate into existing equipment .
8 Looking over the abyss of infinite possibility , they find it easy to slip into endless striving and pursuit of whatever is , at that moment , desired .
9 Although these problems obviously exist , there are older mothers too who find it hard to cope with daily life .
10 He was very tired and found it hard to concentrate for long periods of time .
11 Whereas BA senior finds it hard to survive between annual meetings — and now has difficulty in attracting 1500 people to what should be an annual science feast — BAYS is a thriving operation , with branches all over the country .
12 It will also find it hard to break into western markets with products which have difficulty matching the quality of western goods .
13 At this stage of the argument , I find it helpful to turn to recent developments in Canada .
14 Some of those who had absconded , and some women who were brought before the Board , were taken to the magistrate 's and on the Sunday evening after Christmas the house was in a very disturbed state so far that we did not think it prudent to assemble for Divine Worship . ’
15 You could find it useful to comment on past reactions and to ask for a fresh angle : ‘ When we 've talked about having some staff working from home , we 've always got bogged down in cost factors regarding the technology needed .
16 The German middle classes and the German Catholics in particular knew that the Prussian Poles were no great threat to the state , yet in spite of their protests , the Junker-dominated Government found it essential to work through crude Völkisch opinion to maintain itself and divert the impending revolution .
17 Current budgeting arrangements have made it difficult to plan for systematic upgrading , replacement and improvement .
18 On the other hand , faculty heads were worried that a low curriculum development fund would make it difficult to cope with future changes , especially GCSE .
19 Maddox ( 1980 ) describes how love and anger , ghosts and grandparents , home and food , jealousy and authority can make it difficult to live with other people 's children .
20 Feminist psychology also finds it difficult to deal with apparent irrationalities in women 's subjectivity except by pathologizing the women , or seeing them as social victims .
21 Conversely they may find it difficult to adapt to poor lighting conditions , and they may be nervous when coming indoors after being in brighter light outside .
22 in this issue , identify a 1990 decision of the European Commission to permit a co-operation agreement on R&D , production , and marketing of electronic components for satellites , on the grounds that the companies otherwise would find it difficult to compete with non-European suppliers .
23 Nevertheless writers and reporters found it difficult to graduate beyond sociological observation .
24 Among the small minority of combatants who found it difficult to adjust to civilian life after the war , who were anti-semitic , militantly anti-communist and concerned about the continued decline of Britain , individuals were almost as likely to be anti-fascist as supporters of fascism .
25 If you are writing about Eliot 's poem The Waste Land ( published in 1922 ) for example , you might consider it relevant to know about other events of that year ( or the years when it was being written ) , and so you could look up 1922 in the index to the London newspaper The Times ( the poem is set partly in London and was published there ) .
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