Example sentences of "is not [pron] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is difficult to get full information here , but it is not something we want to comment on . ’
2 This is not something we enjoy doing , but whether more will happen depends on the recovery of the British economy .
3 And I. This is not something I want to do . ’
4 It is not something I want to do .
5 ‘ My power is not something I want to portray .
6 One , if obeyed , brings harmony , rhythm and immediate Peace within , even if this small voice is not what we wish to hear .
7 He said : ‘ There is no doubt that they have to consider the possibility of closing the fund , but his is not what they want to do .
8 This is not what I want to hear from the man who once shook me to the core with a string of incendiary albums .
9 Seventy-nine is not what I expect to see . ’
10 All right , the team are going through a temporary loss of form and that is not what you pay to see but , remember , football is a business not an entertainment .
11 Those who know , think it a matter without interest , so that again and again in my enquiries , when some touch of colour has been given illuminating the ways of life among the people who are above the need for help , it has been cut short by a semi-apology : ‘ But that is not what you want to know about ’ …
12 But , er , other people start bringing up sort of problems with the French tax situation on such and such a structure of company or whatever , which is not anything we want to get involved with .
13 A spokeswoman for the Labour-run council said yesterday : ‘ This British flag image is n't one we want to project because we 're a multi-racial city .
14 I know it 's difficult , I know the City is highly congested and we ca n't plough down beautiful buildings in order to make better roads and so on , and that is n't what we want to do .
15 It is n't what I expected to find .
16 ‘ I had been looking at the world ratings and the draw certainly is n't what I had expected , ’ said Gregg .
17 ‘ But that is n't what I want to talk to you about . ’
18 ‘ Only when I want to make love to you , and that is n't what you 've got in mind right now , is it ? ’
19 Having said that , you may come to the conclusion that you do n't want to continue because it is n't what YOU want to do .
20 Christine had been telling herself : ‘ This is n't something I 've read in the newspapers , this is happening to us !
21 She said , lifting one naked shoulder dismissively , ‘ It is n't something I care to discuss .
22 That dog of his is n't something you want to get in a fight with .
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