Example sentences of "is that i [vb base] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The point that I was seeking to make a moment ago — I reiterate it now — is that I think that it is to the advantage of everyone in Northern Ireland for the politicians of Northern Ireland , of all shades of opinion , to come together , to talk and to express their mutual wish for peace in Northern Ireland .
2 If I 'm depressed at all it is that I think that you could make this process slightly less obtrusive and violent and spark-generating if there was more systematic analysis and discussion beforehand , going back a long way .
3 I mean part of it is what I think and part of it is that I think that I like it because it works , that these things — I basically am unconvinced much of the modern tradition .
4 What I am suggesting is that I think if you if you concentrate only on the question of who are the chief officers that 's very important and that 's very indicative , but it 's not the whole story .
5 ‘ What you ca n't accept is that I accept that I do n't know anything .
6 I think what it is is that I feel if I go into something for the sake of going into it to earn money I shall be absolutely bored with me life .
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