Example sentences of "is that [pron] [noun] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What should be clear , however , is that whatever approach is arrived at is done through a thorough look at , and understanding of , the aims and objectives of the specific day care — and not by default .
2 The essence of Popper 's position on observation statements is that their acceptability is gauged by their ability to survive tests .
3 Undeniably their faith is genuine , but the weakness is that their faith is developed at the expense of their understanding .
4 What I shall want to argue is that their position is caught up in a circular argument : the only reason one could have for wanting to stand in this kind of relationship to biblical women is that one is Christian , but these writers never tackle the prior question as to whether feminism is in fact compatible with Christianity , such that one should want to stand in relationship to biblical women .
5 The key point about all the objects collected is that their provenance is known ; they are not collected for aesthetic merit alone .
6 The problem of this critical practice wedded exclusively to a narrow disciplinary framework is that its rigour is based on ‘ reductive formulas ’ , certainties about how the past is to be discovered and what Renaissance culture was .
7 The problem with Network File System ( part of Sun Microsystems Inc 's rival Open Network Computing technology ) Owen says , is that its security is built upon Unix , and it is not scalable above 20 systems .
8 The main point about this category — for lack of a better word we shall call it ‘ under class ' ’ — is that its destiny is perceived as hopeless ' ( Dahrendorf , 1985 , pp. 101–7 ) .
9 The significant point about this first view is that whichever label is used the expansion in procedural rights is not regarded as involving any fundamental change in the nature of natural justice .
10 The first is that his shoelace is untied .
11 The point generally made in corroboration of this theory is that his poetry is marked by images of sterility and mechanical lust , and that the excised passages of The Waste Land which have now been published contain evidence of pervasive and sometimes bitter misogyny .
12 Believe me , your appearance is noted every home game , especially by your husband , a consequence of which is that his game is suffering .
13 The fist reason is that our society is composed of a variety of religious groups , of whom only 20 per cent are practising Christians .
14 They were n't too quick to give up their prejudices , for part of the reason for the existence of prejudice is that our intolerance is directed against those who form some kind of threat to us .
15 Our short term aim is that our business is split 50 per cent North Sea oil , 25 per cent international oil and 25 per cent non-oil related activities and we are already close to reaching these targets .
16 Well that depends on whether you are actually doing it during an audit or doing it for other reasons , what they are looking for is that your system is getting better and that you have done the right things .
17 The whole point about aerobics is that your exercise is done with plenty of ?
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