Example sentences of "is a [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But to take such comments as proof that de Gaulle already knew what he would have to do in 1962 is a leap made only by Gaullists predisposed to elevate the General 's prescience to superhuman levels or by fanatical anti-Gaullists predisposed to exaggerate the depths of his duplicity .
2 There is a battle going on within us as we climb .
3 In addition , there is a revolution going on in Japan in the financial services sector as it faces deregulation .
4 Moreover , the examples Couturier gives are of multiple discrete points of view carefully distinguished within the novels in question ( The Sound and the Fury , Pale Fire ) , whereas the mutable point of view employed in Verbivore is a technique developed out of the possibilities inherent in print , but moving toward the mutability of cybernetic text .
5 It is a technique used both on the Left and on the Right , by General Pinochet as well as by General Castro .
6 They seem , rather , to function as a disturbance — admittedly small-scale — of the A section 's tonal stability ; this is a technique derived directly from the nineteenth-century Lied and piano character piece .
7 Champagne is a designation used only for sparkling wine produced in the limited area of Northern France around the towns of Reims and Epernay .
8 I think that normally there is a cheque sent through with the notification , which we put in against the COUP 's fees code , but there is n't one this time .
9 ( Note : The notion that Mr Hill chases women is a myth put about by humourless , crop-haired feminists such as Mr ‘ Ben ’ Elton . )
10 Central Switzerland is a name used regularly by the Swiss themselves for one of their country 's major regions and it fairly well explains itself .
11 How often is a child singled out for special praise at governors ' meetings ?
12 Here is Earth , clad in what looks disconcertingly like a badly crocheted red dress , here is a stage where an eerie pale yellow orange light plays over small details of figures , and here is a child carried off on a pole — one in a series of victims in the sacrificial Rite Of Spring .
13 ‘ Are we to understand , ’ I cross-examined , ‘ that this is an establishment owned by someone who deems himself a Squire ; or , on the other hand , that this is a location sought out by Squires such as yourself when they desire to quaff ? ’
14 Before he discovers that this is a lie put out by her enemy , he has various practical duties to perform in connection with the wreck of the ship he should have joined .
15 As far as I know , they have been er certainly have been erm involved in most of the ballots so far , but I know there is a discussion going on about whether they should be the .
16 This year poll tax bills in Darlington will rise to £300 , of which £19 is a surcharge to make up for people who have not paid their bills .
17 To its rear is a gate leading directly to the Palace through the Royal Park with its free-roaming wild deer .
18 It 's not Marxism because what we actually have now in a Maoist Communist Party , as it emerges in the course of the nineteen thirties , is a leadership composed not of socialist working class militants but of intellectuals whose prime motivation is that they are modernizing nationalists .
19 It is a hole dug out to a sufficient size to accommodate a sea kale forcing pot .
20 An essential ingredient is a capacity to rely trustingly on others when occasion demands , and to know on whom it is appropriate to rely .
21 This latter is perhaps the most noteworthy from Cognos ' viewpoint , since early indications were that this is a port brought forward from 1993 .
22 what the reader views is a document made up from several disparate chunks .
23 There is a road going forward past some very attractive trees .
24 a ( disjunctive ) clause is a sentence composed only with the connectives v and * in which all variables are universally quantified .
25 So there is a check built in to the , to the council procedures .
26 Within two days she had found some information on the Prince 's Trust , which is a scheme set up by the Duke of Cornwall , HRH Prince Charles himself .
27 STEP is a scheme held annually throughout the UK to enable small companies to employ the expertise and knowledge of university students during July and August .
28 I believe that one firm is at present training one male monotype operator , who is being taught by a woman , It is true that this evidence comes from the opposing side so to speak , but nowhere is a counter-assertion put forward by the union that men had applied to learn and been turned away .
29 Lescun is a valley to drive up into for your picnic lunch ; in winter it is shut in , and a centre for long-distance skiing ; in spring , exquisitely vernal ; in summer or early autumn drowsy and majestic , waiting for its famously late , September harvest .
30 In planning , as elsewhere , there is a tendency to deal thoroughly with those areas that seem amenable to our procedures and to deal superficially with the others .
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