Example sentences of "is a [noun sg] of [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is a spirit of internationalism abroad again , it is true , but it has a solid bass line , a repetitive drum loop .
2 He justifies this attitude by claiming that ‘ one 's life is not a single straight line ; it is a bundle of duties very often conflicting .
3 There are more living arthropod species than all other phyla combined ; if diversity is a measure of success then the arthropods are the easy winners .
4 There are very few French employers in Scotland apart from tyre giant Michelin , which has a large factory in Dundee , Pernod Ricard which owns several distilleries and drilling rig builder , UIE Scotland , which is a subsidiary of Bouygues Offshore .
5 Change is a law of life yet both factions seem set against change .
6 Far too often with a low cable break , the pilot goes for the airbrakes when there is a mile of field ahead and no hurry whatsoever .
7 There is a heaviness of words not said
8 The space has a metric equation where g rr is a function of r only .
9 The shift factor is a function of temperature only and decreases with increasing temperature , it is , of course , unity at T o .
10 The location is no longer industrial but , instead , is a zone of consumption where artefacts from its productive past are used to give colour to its present .
11 This is a part of Yorkshire where history runs deep .
12 This is a part of Yorkshire where the tradition of personal service thrives
13 You must allow that children are small , courageous people who have to deal every day with a multitude of problems , just as we adults do , and that they are unprepared for most things , and what they most yearn for is a bit of truth somewhere .
14 There is a bit of difference actually .
15 erm I think in terms of techniques is is is a level of awareness really , to be able to respond to children erm with their curiosity and with their erm expressions of anxiety erm in a way that makes it all right for them to be feeling the way they are , and I do n't think it 's simple as just saying a technique , I think it 's what we can offer as adults comes from an inner awareness that we have as adults , that we can convey to our children , because it 's not just the techniques , or the behaviour , or the words that we use , but it 's those feelings behind the words .
16 If there is a God of love why does n't he see my situation ?
17 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
18 ‘ Know then that there is a bird of prey here to respect and admire .
19 If the state is subjected to a requirement of comprehensive neutrality and if its duties to its citizens are very wide-ranging then the principle of comprehensive neutrality is a principle of neutrality indeed .
20 The figure of the child surrounded by the warmth and comfort of the lap of the ‘ big woman ’ is a memory of things past and provides a rich contrast to the earliest works in the exhibition .
21 Family therapy is a field of practice mainly built around and developed from systems theory .
22 Erm , the other important point I think , if by way of introduction , is in paragraph two , and that is , just to make it quite clear that this is a transfer of funding where people previously went to the Department of Social Security and claimed Income Support in order to assist them in accessing services that were provided by the voluntary and private sector .
23 Denim is not a celebration of the '70s , but it is a celebration of times past , harder times , of working class life in the cities of provincial Britain , of teenage thrills , the thrill of school being out forever and the constant spectre of evil in the form of IRA bombs , skinheads , power cuts and Hughie Green .
24 These suggestions are problematic since not all analysts accept that structures ‘ exercise ’ power ; power is a predicate of agents not structures .
25 Hospital visiting is a way of life now , sharing with those to whom this pleasure is largely denied .
26 For Goldmann then , ‘ potential consciousness , is a way of understanding how knowledge is related to social and political change .
27 War in Henry V is a test of kingship rather than a subject in its own right .
28 It is a state of mind comparatively unrelated to circumstances .
29 Between ( e ) and ( g ) there is a range of behaviour not fully illustrated by a still picture such as ( f ) , which looks like a superposition of ( e ) and ( g ) : if one watches the oscilloscope one sees the picture alternating randomly between the chaotic pattern and the ordered one .
30 Included there is a history of heterosexuality hardly known to itself .
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