Example sentences of "is the [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 First and foremost , there is the evidence provided by aerial photography ; when this is sufficiently extensive , as for example at Kenchester and Water Newton , there is usually enough data to publish a composite plan of the internal morphology , though normally the picture is far more fragmentary .
2 The catalytic activity of pancreatic lipase , like that of a number of other lipases , is greatly when the enzyme comes into contact with a lipid/ water interface — this is the phenomenon known as interfacial activation .
3 Mr Spencely says a primary reason is the upheaval caused by various public sector reorganisations .
4 ‘ Not only is the field littered with broken glass , ’ he explained patiently , ‘ but sharp flints , rocks and goodness knows what else .
5 The relevant level of focus for strategic portfolio analysis is the yield required by different SBUs .
6 One problem which has been described to me by nurses and health visitors who returned to practice before the advent of re-entry programmes is the difficulty represented by assumed knowledge .
7 LET'S Enjoy Your Car Life ’ is the slogan written in big English letters to lure customers into Autobacs Seven 's 300 or so service stations .
8 It remains true that all of the major parameters of Course regulations and management remain today as they were established by David Mobbs ; all that has changed is the values given to certain parts of the equation .
9 What does not need to be explained to Vogts , however , is the determination possessed by Scottish players .
10 One of the main causes of mildew , a fungus which thrives on cotton , is the dampness caused by ordinary household plants placed directly on the floor .
11 Another widebody , the Sp.in Omni 2 is the racket used by British No 1 Jo Durie .
12 In no area , colleagues , is the despair caused by Tory mismanagement more abundantly clear than in the area of welfare benefits .
13 For example : is the subject taken from classical literature with its firm structural rules like those which govern Balanchine 's Apollo ?
14 How often is the decision left to junior doctors in the small hours of the morning who hesitate to increase dosage on the grounds that they do n't want to turn patients into addicts ?
15 A sound I have often read about , but never knowingly heard , is the scream produced by male badgers .
16 If discourses articulate concepts through a system or signs which signify by means or their relationship to each other rather than to entities in the world , and ir literature is a signifying practice , all it can reflect is the order inscribed in particular discourses , not the nature or the world .
17 That is the name given to hedgehog-shaped pencil holders made by Barlaston First School pupils .
18 This is the name given to integrated computer hardware and software which allows for the easy production in the office of complex and elaborate documents and reports .
19 In America , public affairs is the name given to public relations dealing with the public life of the nation .
20 This is the name given to rapid loss of the TL signal from that part of the glow curve normally thought to be stable .
21 ‘ Munchausen 's syndrome ’ is the name given to attention-seeking patients who feign illness or deliberately fabricate symptoms .
22 This is the route followed by successful companies .
23 The first-year Arabic course is primarily concerned with teaching Modern Standard Arabic , which is the form used for public purposes ( broadcasting , newspapers , etc ) .
24 This is the form used in early red-figure , at first with the same decorative eyes ; but the later works of Oltos and Epiktetos , and those of the Pioneers , are of a new kind : a wide , shallow bowl curving in a single sinuous contour through a shortish , narrow stem to a low foot ( fig. 97 ) .
25 While ERAI is more concerned with promoting Rhone-Alpes firms abroad ADERLY ( the Economic Development Agency for the Lyon region ) is the body charged with attracting investment into the greater Lyon area .
26 Aside from fairness , a major factor in the design of charges is the commission paid to independent advisers , usually 3 per cent which is paid from the manager 's initial charge .
27 Closer to home is the trauma faced by social workers over the last ten years .
28 To be practical ( and tolerable ) a computer should be able to find its move in an average of three minutes , which is the limit set by normal tournament regulations .
29 One of the most worrying aspects is the danger posed by irresponsible and loony left local authorities .
30 This is the set used for inter-library loans , as well as for internal consultation .
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