Example sentences of "is [that] it will [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The idea is that it will block the action of an enzyme which the toxins force the body to produce , an enzyme responsible for much of the damage .
2 The answer is that it will make no difference at all .
3 Wieman told EW + WW that the great benefit if this simplification is that it will enable a greater number of laboratories to participate in low temperature research and discover more and more bizarre properties of matter .
4 He says the whole problem of the Oxford to Harwich route is that it will create an urban sprawl , another outer London which we ca n't afford .
5 Intel Corp says it expects to spend about $2,500m on capital expenditures and research and development in 1993 , an increase of 25% on estimated 1992 spending of about $2m , saying that the expenditures , unusually high as a percentage of sales even for a high technology company , are needed to address the increasing complexity of microprocessors and the high cost of chip plants ; the company has started paying a dividend , making its shares attractive to a wider range of institutions , and the expectation is that it will tap the market for new funds .
6 A characteristic of an ORACLE view is that it will truncate a column header to the size of the field it represents ( ie if the field is smaller ) .
7 A further feature of an inhibitory CS is that it will reduce the ability of a separately trained excitatory CS to evoke its CR when the two stimuli are presented as a compound .
8 Its only disadvantage is that it will project the curtain fixture further into the room and when the curtains are open the batten will be visible .
9 One of the few things predictable about future input technology is that it will include an optical scan element which will be at its best handling the output from IT related machines .
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