Example sentences of "is [that] [pron] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The basic premiss , usually , is that whatever exists in a fundamental sense does not depend upon anything external to itself for own existence and is in every way self-sufficient , which is regarded as analytically true .
2 The trouble is that we live in a part of the world in which many people depend on Unix — not to fight Microsoft and NT , but to earn their living — and there are too many unknowns .
3 If that is what getting engaged does to him , the pity is that we live in a monogamous society !
4 The only other thing I would say is that we have in the report used the words , freedom to run and since writing the report we have been advised that er that is capa not capable or satisfactorily with legal terms and I would suggest that instead of the words , freedom to run we use the words , access management and permissive rights of way , to cover these .
5 We know that the Trojan War , you know erm , what 's described in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the kiddies and er all these Greek and Greek heroes , we know that war actually happened , but it happened an awful long time before these poems were written and er Freud 's view is that what happens in a culture is there 's some initial traumatic event like the French Revolution or Trojan War , there 's a period of latency during which it seems to be forgotten about and nothing very much happens anyway , and then at a later stage it comes back again , there 's a return of a repressed and er Freud erm Freud quotes one or two other examples , er of the same kind of thing and Mike 's example is a very good one albeit er perhaps it 's good because it 's so recent , so the point you 're making Mike is that are you saying that Freud 's analogy is , is credible where French history and even industrial relations is concerned that there was a trauma , the Revolution of seventeen eighty nine , there were latency periods and then this kept coming back from the repressed time and time again ?
6 What is known about Jane is that she lived in a cellar in Wisbech , earning her living by reaping in the fields in the summer and spinning wool and flax in the winter .
7 ‘ The important thing is that I got in a couple of block tackles , which was significant .
8 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
9 The fact is that I think in the sense that from the north west .
10 ‘ A principle I have always applied in the property business is that you put in a bid that you think something is worth , and you do n't go above it . ’
11 One other contact that I think you have with us is that you sing in the Meeting House Choir .
12 One other contact that I think you have with us is that you sing in the Meeting House choir .
13 What is truly radical about this innovation is that it intervenes in the quality of life at work , the culture shared between men and women workers , on the side of women .
14 The overall direction of small talk is that it starts in the general and becomes more specific .
15 Although the machine is available and was shipping in the US at the end of 1992 , the latest information available at the time of writing is that it ships in the UK on 1st February 1993 , and the list price is £449 .
16 Most would agree that the professed raison d'être of the CpSU is the creation of a society ‘ of a new type ’ ; the basis of its claim to infallibility is that it stands in the vanguard of this process .
17 What gets me about this guy Alderson is that he served in the country area of Cornwall , and he makes all these proposals about inner-city policing ; now how the hell would he know anything about the inner city ?
18 He may indeed be relatively unweaned and improvident like his hunter-gatherer forefathers , but the reality is that he lives in a highly regulated agricultural economy in which the largely uninhibited oral and anal-sadistic drives of the hunter-gatherer are subject to strict state-control .
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