Example sentences of "is [not/n't] [adv] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 'Twill be well because he is not the real thing , never could be , and is not even now presuming to be ; but conversely , 'twill be well because the imitation , the travesty , of the real thing can also usurp it and to all intents and purposes become it .
2 The world has changed greatly since 1967 and it is not easy merely to return to United Nations resolution 242 .
3 But this misses Grice 's essential insight , namely that what the speaker means by U is not necessarily closely related to the meaning of 0 at all .
4 The disease produced is not necessarily obviously related to any discernible precipitating cause , which makes the classification of diseases according to the symptoms and with a known list of causes somewhat meaningless and arbitrary .
5 It was assumed by some that profitability entailed selling products to new customers , but this is not necessarily so according to Ken Wilkie , the newly appointed chief executive at IBM 's UK Havant plant .
6 Of the other political parties , Labour is not very explicitly committed to citizenship .
7 Will he please take the most urgent steps to correct that , because it is not only deeply damaging to companies in my constituency but harmful to the image of the Community ?
8 His examples include [ 11 ] , which is not so obviously related to an apposition of phrases : If [ 11 ] is an example of apposition , then the assumption that cases of loose apposition are reductions of non-restrictive or appositive relative clauses can not be maintained .
9 Particular industries are no longer overwhelmingly concentrated in particular regions , and the character of the regions is not so directly related to the industries predominant within them .
10 The second , and more positive , factor which may explain the fact that accountability for tragic death is not so readily attributed to the professionals concerns the status of old people as autonomous adults .
11 It follows that it is not enough simply to appeal to the " differentiating power " of spatio-temporal relations within an objective framework .
12 Let's face it , negotiation is n't just about talking to customers and suppliers .
13 This is n't very high compared to shareware alternatives , such as McAfee VirusScan or F-Prot .
14 ‘ But somehow I get the impression that Rob is n't so deeply committed to the company as you are .
15 Erm that um anyway er that 's a slight aside so erm when you hear people going on about false memory syndrome it tends to pre-suppose that there are certain memories which are true by contrast um which is n't necessarily always going to be the case .
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