Example sentences of "is [v-ing] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this article we take a look at how a commitment to Total Quality Management is helping Noble Metals at Royston to grow in what continues to be a depressed marketplace …
2 This spreading effect means that insurance risk is often confused with Broadway risk , A corporation that says , " let us spread the-risk by not putting all our eggs in one basket " is using neither type of risk effectively .
3 The main problems seem to come when the foreground application program has control over the keyboard or is using large chunks of memory to mimic the screen .
4 She added : ‘ Stewart is parading this woman round ITN .
5 IBM Personal Software products is grooming future versions of PC-DOS as an operating system for personal digital assistants .
6 A ‘ TRUTH ’ drug used on British prisoners by the Nazis is bringing new hope to sufferers from Alzheimers Disease , the conference was told .
7 ONE OF the most discouraging aspects of the prolonged dispute between the Premier League and the Professional Footballers ' Association has been the Football Association 's failure to intervene , although this argument is bringing English football into disrepute .
8 A major programme of renewal and modernisation is transforming public transport in London — including the biggest expansion of London 's rail network since the 1930s .
9 The University is also committing substantial funds to assist with automated cataloguing , in particular for the conversion of recent paper catalogues in the Bodleian , and is pursuing other aspects of library automation , to facilitate access to its collections .
10 I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality .
11 I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality-ometer , and that I have been found wanting .
12 Third , QC , as Chairman of the Race Relations Committee , is channelling all requests for reconsideration back to the CLE .
13 By Trader Horn THE INTERNATIONAL Foundation of Airline Passengers Associations is demanding index-linked compensation for air crash victims and their families .
14 A senior police officer is demanding tougher sentences for attacks on police officers , after a WPC was thrown against a van , breaking her wrist .
15 Meanwhile , the Association is demanding written proof of Barnes ' status both in this country and New Zealand .
16 Yet Treasury Minister Michael Portillo is demanding big cuts in dole pay , possibly even by halving the entitlement to six months .
17 AXEMAN Michael Portillo is demanding big cuts in dole cash and foreign aid from the Cabinet .
18 But similar improvisation in Taiwan is producing efficient transport from motorcycles and scooters .
19 The A-26 well encountered 1,100 feet of pay in three zones and is producing 1,500 barrels of oil per day .
20 The debacle among the weaker airlines is producing easy pickings for America 's big three .
21 A widow who claims she contracted the lung disease asbestosis from washing her husband 's overalls is sueing British Rail for damages .
22 The poaching of orang-utans is becoming big business in Indonesia , according to the International Primate Protection League .
23 Kidney patient and senior registrar at South Cleveland hospital , Dr Marion Stevens who three years ago could barely move due to her illness is becoming medical director of Teesside Hospice partly due to her work on the new drug which changed her life .
24 Their role as financial information providers is permeating all aspects of business .
25 Where a member of the Parliamentary Labour Party is representing this party in parliament for the first time the above ( normal ) procedure shall be set in motion not earlier than eighteen months after his or her election as Member of Parliament .
26 The next step , which only the most well-off men such as restaurant owners can afford , is keeping this wife in semi-purdah — in other words sentencing her to solitary confinement .
27 A second example is keeping wild animals as pets .
28 The Doonans ' speciality is lacing traditional songs with rock arrangements , or applying folk themes to rock .
29 It is also speeding up the installation of cab radios linked to signal boxes , and is adopting major changes in management practice to ensure that the safety measures are properly implemented .
30 Brady 's condition is causing increasing concern at Roker Park and boss Malcolm Crosby hopes hospital tests will ease fears over the future of his 21-year-old Republic of Ireland winger .
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