Example sentences of "is [vb pp] that [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is claimed that during the hour-long phone call Prince Charles and Camilla exchange affectionate remarks as they try to find a ‘ safe ’ house to meet .
2 Official figures give average class sizes as forty to fifty , but it is reported that in the rural areas there are often seventy to eighty children in a class .
3 Nor were beards a feature of traditional Republican portraits , though it is said that in the early Republic the Romans wore beards and long hair .
4 Here the modest claim is made that without the social services , a section of the population will be permanently unemployed because in advanced industrial societies ‘ we can not expect industry to create many extra jobs because of the speed of technical change and job-saving investment . ’
5 It is argued that during the dry phases , the humid forests would have been fragmented into island-like refugia ( Figure 7.1 ) of isolated blocks of forest .
6 It is argued that within the private sector the method by which the firm ensures that individuals behave so as to maximize profits is to pay workers the value of marginal product .
7 It is thought that from the late 16th century it was placed on top of the remaining tower of the ruined Kilwinning Abbey ( the Abbey was destroyed in 1561 at the time of the Scottish Reformation ) .
8 Accordingly , it is envisaged that in the emerging society information technology will be all-pervasive and the technology will bring a world of information ‘ at your fingertips ’ .
9 It is recognised that in the Catholic school they will also be seen within the context of a wider and life-long catechesis .
10 Rescued from Meikle Bin , near Kilsyth in Scotland , it is hoped that in the long term this substantial section of rear fuselage may be restored and mated to the Firefly AS.5 front fuselage and cockpit section currently on display at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry , owned and restored by Colin Waterworth .
11 However , it is believed that in the virgin planet 's oceans there evolved , by chance , complicated molecules called ‘ proteinoid globules ’ ( or ‘ proteinoid microspheres ’ ) ; alternatively , these molecules might have formed on the slopes of the primordial volcanoes and been washed , by rain , down to the seas .
12 It is recorded that during the severe spell in 1740 , men curled on the Cross on 23 consecutive days , excepting Sundays .
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