Example sentences of "is [vb pp] to [art] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Please , let us have a party ) , let here is addressed to the other members of the group to which the speaker belongs .
2 After this committee , the Bill returns to the House to be read a third time , after which it is transmitted to the other House and , if successful there , submitted for the Royal Assent .
3 Figure 6.9 is a reminder that the AL of maintaining a safe environment is related to the other ALs and also to the other components of the model for nursing .
4 But this reason is related to the other reasons which apply to the case .
5 In a vast ocean , empty of all else but one 's own boat and a tiny speck on the horizon , attention is drawn to the other boat .
6 The signer can not rely on subjective factors , or his own inability to read the language of the document , except perhaps if that fact is known to the other party .
7 Publishers now accept novels which are composed of a series of short , interlinked stories , novels where prose narrative alternates with poems and — perhaps most interestingly — the epistolary novel has been resurrected , along with the novel of fragments , where every page contains a separate ‘ statement ’ that is linked to every other statement through place , character and feeling .
8 It is set back from the main road , has a small shopping centre and typically Italian lakeside cafés , and is linked to the other lake resorts by steamers .
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