Example sentences of "is [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thames Valley police have confirmed that a man is helping with inquiries into the murder of Dr Hugh Puddephat , the English lecturer whose body was identified in Paris earlier this week , ’ the newsreader reported .
2 Motorcyclist Philip Hague , 26 of Langdale Road , Scarborough , is recovering in hospital after the crash .
3 If that is not in practice a policy which is presuming against development in the open countryside I do n't know what is .
4 Oats , barley , turnips and hay are grown and occasionally kale where there is overwintering of sheep on the low ground .
5 Yet blaming Mr Murdoch 's problems on two deals is like saying that the only sin of David Gower , England 's most gifted cricketer , is flashing at balls outside the off-stump .
6 Not every statement made in the course of a judgment is binding as part of the ratio decidendi of the case .
7 Rugby Union is experimenting with changes in the points-scoring system ; Formula One is questioning the capabilities of its cars ; and cricket in this country is being revised according to the recommendations of the Murray Commission .
8 The delimited field thus consists of agents and institutions and involves three types of struggle — those between ‘ makers ’ of art ( between , say , makers of consecrated art , makers of avant-garde , heretical art , and makers of ‘ middle brow ’ art ( ‘ art moyen ’ ) such as photography , cinema , and jazz , which also is struggling for consecration by the institutions ) , those between makers and ‘ marketers ’ ( in essence the institutions ) , and those between marketers .
9 Matt is competing in Germany in the European Cup and is up with the leaders …
10 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
11 Thus if a member has a sound reason for believing that some malpractice is occurring in connection with the council 's funds , he is under a public duty to inform the council .
12 Although Liz 's body is disposing of alcohol at the rate of about one unit a hour , her last drink pushed her over the legal limit for driving of 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood .
13 Last June Louise Müller is appearing at Strasbourg in the same company as one of Fouché 's female agents , who makes a routine report to the effect that Louise has obtained employment in Vienna with the Schickenader Opera .
14 Later on in the morning , a class of 15 and 16 year olds is painting in oils for the first time .
15 The point of the approach is to apply an attitude of critical affirmation to the different traditions enabling them to be studied and discussed in a way which is affirming of members of the traditions without succumbing to naivety or blandness .
16 This type of system which originated in the United Kingdom has been widely used throughout Europe and is gaining in popularity in the United States of America and Japan .
17 In one of the novels of Albert Camus an unfortunate man is walking at night on the banks of the Seine when a suicide , having cast himself upon the waters , cries for help .
18 ‘ He must feel he is walking on water at the moment , but come Christmas when the goals do n't go in , what happens then ?
19 FRENCH trainer Francois Doumen is brimming with confidence over The Fellow 's bid for a second successive victory in Kempton 's King George .
20 Since the first signs of a contraction in the employment base of manufacturing in the 1960s , the question of what is happening to manufacturing in the UK has rapidly become one of central importance .
21 The Minister , however , does not give a damn about what is happening to people on the lowest incomes ; he does not even understand what is happening to local government .
22 What is happening in India at the moment is something we were not expecting .
23 Look what was threatened and nearly happened to the Falls Women 's Centre , and it 's not just in West Belfast ; the same is happening in Ballybeen on the other side of the city .
24 I do not think that it would be proper for me to get involved in what is happening in terms of the Mirror Group pension fund .
25 If selling to a receiver you must be sure to establish whether the receiver is purchasing in his own name and assuming personal liability or whether he is purchasing on behalf of the receivership .
26 This study is looking at relations between the societies and government since the early 1970s , including the key role of the societies ' trade body the Building Societies Association .
27 With the merger of DCM Services Ltd and Kode International Plc 's Kode Computers Ltd now complete , the company has broadened its range of consultancy services , and is looking for acquisitions in the UK .
28 One executive said : ‘ Tiny is looking for pie in the sky .
29 It is looking for customers in the petroleum , automotive , aerospace and chemical industries and in large-scale environmental and long-range weather modelling .
30 THE Scottish Pig Industry Initiative , which is behind Scottish Quality pork , is looking for pigperson of the year .
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