Example sentences of "is [adv] well [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Though one thinks of The Bartered Bride ( among other things ) as a cataract of marvellous vocal melody , it is rarely well performed in Britain , mainly because of our lack of really deep-chested lyric tenors of the type that can making singing Czechs such enthralling neighbours .
2 ‘ He is remarkably well handicapped on 10st four , and if he were to be handicapped again he would go up another stone .
3 That analysis is so well understood in North America that their discrimination statutes merely enact a general prohibition on employment discrimination on account of disability .
4 There are many species of ‘ flying ’ squirrels , but none of these is so well equipped for flight as the colugo , their gliding membranes being not nearly so extensive .
5 However , if raising of /a/ is so well established in BV velar environments , the tendency to front-raising may formerly have been present in both BV and EModE in other environments also , receding from these environments before receding from the velars .
6 It is extremely well led by Clive Priestley as chairman and Tim Mason as director .
7 Brown Windsor , I regret to add , is extremely well handicapped with Ghofar .
8 Australia has major coal , gas and uranium reserves but is less well endowed with oil .
9 Strategic information is generally modest in volume ( only megabits in information-theory terms ) , of the highest importance to the business historian , and is generally well preserved on paper media in corporate archives .
10 The top-end of the market , where the likes of Intel Scientific Computer and Parsytec live , is already well populated with compiler technology , but Portland reckons there is a great deal of ground to be gained amongst the host of niche players banging out i860 boards for graphics and CPU acceleration .
11 An ambitious politician who is still well left of centre , the recession and the BCCI scandal have exercised his constituency skills in an area with many Asian businesmen .
12 Mr Waterfield , who lives at Great Broughton , is also well known throughout Cleveland for his musical talents .
13 WORK is now well advanced at Bohunt School , Liphook , for the new appraisal scheme for teachers .
14 The production is particularly well served by Edward Lipscomb 's ingeniously flexible set .
15 Thanks to the Engineers School at Altdorf and the Artillery School at Nuln , the Empire army is particularly well equipped with war machines .
16 The thicker yarns give a fabric that is particularly well suited to winter wear for warm sweaters , jackets and ski wear .
17 In the Forum Baths , on the other side of the town , the frigidarium is quite well preserved with remains of columns and capitals ( 89 ) .
18 As we noticed in chapter 4.2 , this is quite well preserved in BV as a stable marker of membership of inner-city communities .
19 Being the most widespread and physically apparent form of severe mental handicap , Down 's Syndrome is relatively well known in Britain , but considerable misunderstandings persist about the nature of the handicap .
20 The part of Joy Davidman is very well played by Kay Gallie though it is difficult to take to the character in the first act of the play .
21 I have gained much pleasure from this music , which was new to me , and it is very well played by Cantilena under Adrian Shepherd .
22 The interrelation of the principles of identity and participation is very well illustrated in Gandhi 's emphasis on sarvodaya , the welfare of all .
23 Edinburgh is very well endowed with library resources for associated research .
24 The obvious piece , Schubert 's Quartetsatz is missing , but that is very well covered on record already , and most of these little charmers are neglected on disc , even Hugo Wolf 's deliciously sparkling Italian Serenade .
25 North Shields is very well placed in relation to the North Sea grounds .
26 In Central America , United Distillers is very well placed in Mexico , the largest and fastest growing market in the region , where its brands have 55% of the Scotch market .
27 But it is very well supported for games , since it is a standard in both the US and in Europe , whereas the Amstrad and Sinclair Z-80-based machines failed in the US .
28 ‘ The population in general is very well educated about AIDS , ’ says Anthony Kasozi , ‘ thanks to the commitment of the Ugandan Government who have done well in raising awareness .
29 The Central Wales line is very well suited to steam runs , having gradients , viaducts and jointed track to provide the clackety-clack .
30 Their gold band design on ivory , white , and black backgrounds is very well suited to living room areas .
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