Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] [prep] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 This neglect is widely perceived to be a major unresolved problem .
2 It is a fishing port of sufficient importance to justify the laying of a single track railway to it from Fort William , this passing through scenery of such exquisite beauty that it is widely acknowledged to be the most delightful railway in Britain .
3 There , 50 or so textile mills produce what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool cloth in the world .
4 The sacristy , reached after the second altar on the right , is widely believed to be the most beautiful in Milan because of the carved cupboards , the work of Giovanni Taurino , a master carver who was also responsible for the confessionals which he completed in 1596 .
5 Nevertheless it is widely believed to be the finest of all the remaining gates of the Spanish walls .
6 Various scientists have pioneered contact lens research but a sketch by Leonardo da Vinci is widely believed to be the earliest known reference to the principle of a contact lens ( Fig. 3 ) .
7 The grandson , who lives in Germany , is widely believed to be the driving force behind the court case .
8 The next stage is the 586 , which is widely believed to be the P5 processor which Intel has pre-announced .
9 In the past it has taken great efforts by the Merseyside and Greater Manchester police to keep supporters apart in what is widely thought to be the most intense antagonism in the League .
10 THE recent rise in global-mean surface air temperature is widely thought to be the result of increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases , but there are discrepancies between the predicted response of the atmosphere to this radiative forcing and the observed temperature changes .
11 The next step in that process is widely expected to be the sale next week of Cockburn 's of Leith , a wine merchant subsidiary .
12 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock is widely claimed to be the first comet discovered by an orbiting observatory — the Infrared Astronomical Satellite , IRAS .
13 DEC is widely held to be the largest foreign computer company in the country , although IBM Corp 's turnover is unknown .
14 The first edition of Acid Earth is widely held to be the most comprehensive and effective popular book on the subject .
15 Because it makes public that which should stay hidden , pornography is widely considered to be a form of sexual propaganda .
16 AT 30 , Daldry is widely considered to be an inspired choice as the artistic director-designate of the Royal Court , London 's embattled home of new writing .
17 The regulation of these factors is widely considered to be the way in which the small intestine adapts to nutritional demands .
18 The G M B is widely hailed to be the most progressive British trade union and is regarded as a key opinion former of all matters of industrial and economic and social policies .
19 On the Intel side , the PCE-5S Pentium machine will be shown : it is currently running at 50MHz , but is eventually intended to be a 66MHz machine — all being well at Intel Corp .
20 Today the potato is rightfully acknowledged to be the most important vegetable we eat .
21 [ On p. 36810 the latter 's daughter María Julia Alsogaray , the administrator of the state telecommunications company Entel , is wrongly stated to be the UCD leader . ]
22 While working on the new opera , Don Giovanni , he also completed two string quintets , K.515 in C and K.516 in G minor — one of his greatest works in that key ; the Violin Sonata in A , K.526 ; and two small-scale ‘ divertimento-style ’ pieces , the exquisite serenade Eine Kleine Nachtmusik , and its antithesis , Ein musikalischer Späss ( A Musical Joke ) , which , in its wealth of wrong notes and inept harmonies , is obviously intended to be a satire on incompetent composers .
23 provided that trustees can persuade the Charity Commissioners , who are very experienced and expert , to register them , then the trust is conclusively presumed to be a charity whilst on the register , subject to recourse to the courts .
24 Kantor 's method for identifying causes of unavailability is generally recognized to be the most accurate , and has been refined to demonstrate linear relationships between various non-availability categories .
25 It is clear that finance , even for a small museum , can not be taken lightly , but this is generally felt to be a project that the Society should go ahead with , if at all possible .
26 The kraken is generally believed to be a type of giant cephalopod which normally lives and feeds at the bottom of the ocean .
27 Many of IBM 's customers should be quite attracted to the idea too : APPN is generally recognised to be a flexible and robust set of networking protocols , and its users have substantial amounts of money and expertise tied up in it .
28 The evaluation of investment risks is generally accepted to be a corporate responsibility .
29 The evaluation of investment risks is generally accepted to be a corporate responsibility .
30 Slim 's is generally reckoned to be the best small gig in San Francisco , maybe because there 's a ‘ brew-pub ’ opposite which sells real bitter .
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