Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The deception , trick or ruse that forms the one essential element in the interaction of the fabliau characters is most frequently an impromptu action , very commonly occurring in the first instance as an example of a native cunning attributed to women , an ingenuity in lying and deceit that women have .
2 It is effectively just an ordinary 18-pin d.i.l. encapsulation , but with the middle six pins absent .
3 For many , their own loyalty to a particular nation is so much an unspoken element of personal identity ( as opposed to the public world of politics ) that it is impossible to discuss ; nationalism is only what foreigners believe in .
4 Making a better product is naturally still an important element of marketing today and is forcefully demonstrated by the Japanese consumer goods manufacturers .
5 It differs from the rest of Newham in that it is less typically an inner-city area and rather more middle class with few tower blocks and a higher proportion of owner-occupied housing .
6 This discreteness is due to the need to fit a whole number of half wavelengths along the length of the string , for which there is obviously only an enumerable number of possibilities .
7 Yet it is of the greatest importance to make such distinctions within what is normally either an unanalysed category — free cultural association — or at best an indiscriminate range .
8 Hence statistical processing of language is once more an important technique used by computational linguists .
9 The centre ground of British politics is once more an open arena for two-party competition .
10 Even so , this is still largely an unmapped terrain , and the research strategy adopted here is one which aims to clarify some of the issues involved in inter-agency work and to identify areas of work in which it might be usefully advanced together with the limits and obstacles to its development .
11 At Test level — and despite his present 178-wicket haul — Walsh is still probably an under-rated bowler .
12 However , although heterogeneous catalysis is still more an empirical art than an exact science , its usefulness can not be overstated .
13 Another way of stating this point would be to say that the revival and growth of social movements in those societies which are both economically advanced and have a fairly long tradition of democracy , is a major aspect of that ‘ self-production ’ of society referred to earlier , which exists in some degree already , but is still more an ideal representation of a future form of society , ‘ free of domination ’ , in which the collectivity would really govern itself , by procedures of rational discussion among equal citizens .
14 It is questionable whether the real centre of economic power in this country is any longer an elected parliament or whether it has moved to the trade unions , large corporations , government departments , nationalised industries and government agencies .
15 Video is probably also an important factor .
16 In October 1975 OSHA recommended a further lowering of exposure levels while at the end of 1976 the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( NIOSH ) recommended a further lowering of the standard to the lower limit of detection by optical microscopy — 100.000 asbestos fibre per cubic metre — though NIOSH admitted that even at that level of exposure there is probably still an increased risk of cancer .
17 There is clearly now an urgent need for a Historic Stations Trust to remove those treasures that remain beyond the reach of the hammers of the destroyers , both official and unofficial , so that at least part of this precious heritage may be handed down to future generations .
18 Entry , in particular , brings a force of discipline to bear upon existing firms , and is also frequently an important source of the new ideas which promote dynamism in industries .
19 It is also now an independent body , and can begin to look for new ways to finance itself and improve its amenities .
20 Easter Island , where the traverse starts , is entirely volcanic but it is really only an insignificant scrap of land in the vast Pacific .
21 Dapitan is really only an honorary city — with just one bank , one cinema , three blacksmiths , two petrol stations and five firemen ( the last fire was in 1980 ) , it is more like a small country town .
22 Studying the semantic features of texts is inevitably rather an intuitive business , and in so far as we can quantify such features at all , it often seems best to attach them to grammatical labels ( eg " colour adjectives " , " adverbials of place " ) , and to use some arbitrary standard of measurement , such as number of words .
23 ROY ‘ Chubby ’ Brown will be returning to Guildford Civic Hall on Wednesday , April 29th , for what is now almost an annual event .
24 Sometimes the possible link can be from much longer ago than a few months and here the memory is almost invariably an unsolved murder case .
25 It did n't , but it is almost exclusively an independent sector these days .
26 It is seldom pointed out that the use of verbal insults is almost always an integral part of incidents in which women are physically and sexually assaulted .
27 Before settling down to a tour of the old quarter ( and Stein is almost entirely an old quarter ) , it is a good idea to face the climb to the Burg Hohenklingen , from the battlements of which there is a breathtaking view of the Rhine winding its way through flat green pastures and dense woodland , and of the closely clustered pointed roofs of Stein itself .
28 Where objects are deliberately unique it may be that they are intended to signify some generic concept of uniqueness , such as in art ; the object is then both an individual form and an example of a larger category to which it must be related .
29 But there is then sometimes an interesting area of overlap , where the style is employed for what is taken to be other material : the ‘ drama-documentary ’ , the ‘ dramatic reconstruction ’ .
30 It is no longer an appropriate model for a generation which has developed sophisticated and discriminating consumption patterns for other goods and services .
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