Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If such shafts found within the pyramids do have any significance it is most probably as a passageway for the spirit of the deceased to mount up to the stars .
2 This approach is most obviously to the fore in Buddhism which emphasizes the necessity for getting beyond concepts by the use of words like anatta , anicca , and nirvana .
3 Salmonella is one of the most widely talked of hazards , and one which is most certainly on the increase : between 1983 and 1988 , the number of reports by British laboratories of salmonella infection more than doubled .
4 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
5 My favourite eating establishment in Formentera is right there on the beach in Es Pujols .
6 It is all right for the hero and heroine to go to bed together , although if they actually make love before they are married , a wedding should follow immediately .
7 It is always difficult for members of any industry to look far into the future and it is especially so for the farming industry .
8 Housing is an important component of welfare : it is difficult to imagine anything more damaging to an individual 's welfare than the lack of somewhere to live , and this is especially so in the case of families with young children and elderly people .
9 This is especially so in the case of a subject which , like RE , arouses strong emotions .
10 As noted above a plan is essential to the proper description of a property , and this is especially so in the case of leases the title to which is to be registered ( Chapter 12 ) , and indeed of leases of flats in general .
11 This is especially so in the case of visiting competitors .
12 With money being transferred from the Universities Funding Council to the research councils , Knill felt that ‘ there is enough now in the research council system to fully support research grants ’ .
13 Athenagoras , the Syracusan demagogue , is made by Thucydides ( vi.38 ) to say that Syracuse ‘ is only rarely in a state of internal peace ’ .
14 Also in the constellation is M16 , the Eagle Nebula , which consists of a galactic cluster together with an emission nebula ; the guide star is Gamma Scuti ( 4.7 ) , and the Eagle Nebula is only just over the Scutum boundary into Serpens .
15 Those who are newly bereaved and naturally dread the loneliness of returning to an empty house should be visited frequently in their own homes ; and when you are able to persuade them to get out of their own four walls as much as possible for fresh air and exercise and to meet others and visit relatives , it can be a considerable help if you can bring them home and go in with them for a cup of tea or a chat , even if it is only just for a quarter of an hour .
16 Moreover , the strength of the kink is so low that it will often fail when the glider is only just off the ground .
17 Yet it is only really for a period in the early 1690s , as will be shown below , that the usefulness of the two-party model can be called into question .
18 ONCE UPON A TIME the Universities had representatives in parliament ; it is only now through the Conference of University Convocations and Graduate Associations ( CUCGA , a national body in which Salford has a high profile , that works to protect and enhance higher education ) that we seem to be getting some clout back .
19 The first choice — between tape , cassette or disc — may seem easy at the moment because videocassette is so clearly in the lead .
20 This is so particularly in the case of the House of Lords where the whipping system is less effective and where the cross-bench element is more important .
21 When we begin to appreciate more clearly and with greater precision how and why so many Third World countries are locked into a global system that is so patently against the interests of the majority of their peoples , we may find one of the keys to the development puzzle , and a valuable clue as to how the global system currently works .
22 Some students have been placed in difficulties by local authorities that have set a community charge that is so far beyond the reach of people that even the 20 per cent .
23 I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman is so far behind the evolution of his party 's policy .
24 This is so far from the truth that on the whole , for those really attending to education , the notion of innate given individuality has remained the stronger .
25 Though it is so far from the world in which most of us live today , it is difficult to over-emphasise the strength of the Church and the landed gentry at that time .
26 And they 're right , because the idea of wandering around with a radio-equipped , RISC-based , flat tablet , scribbling notes and then faxing them off Star Trek-style to headquarters , is so far from the reality of poor handwriting recognition , disappointing battery life , so-so screens and skyscrapingly high prices , that most users simply have n't bothered .
27 In the nervous systems of arthropods , for example — including insects and crustacea — the head ganglion — the brain — may be important , but is so only in the sense of King John amongst the barons ; there are many other ganglia distributed throughout the arthropod body , each with a considerable degree of autonomy .
28 I I I have to say that I I I I 'm not enthusiastic about using this which is so obviously at a report in support of the particular locations , to look objectively at the criteria .
29 It is long since past the time when Her Majesty 's Government should take political and security decisions that would deny success to terrorists .
30 The Cretaceous period , in which they thrived but which was also marked by accelerated evolutionary trends that would ultimately make them extinct , is long even on the scale geologists use to measure history — 70 million years .
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