Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 He is right also to say that the value is not just for Yarrow .
2 Although the rail journey involves a change of trains , the timetable of services is so well co-ordinated that the change is no great inconvenience .
3 Foods that do not sustain microbial growth , such as bread , or raw produce which is so heavily contaminated that the bacterial loading on a surface is insignificant , are not likely to require handling on disinfected surfaces .
4 Certainly general policies , such as those reproduced in part below , could have the effect not only of preventing but abating existing odour nuisance , the county council having recognised that in most cases where odour pollution causes problems , the source of the odour is either close to residential property or industry is so densely concentrated that the total odour emission is unacceptable .
5 The central character is so consistently developed that the audience take it for granted the house will fall down only a few weeks after he has started [ sic ] to live in it . ’
6 ‘ It is already now clear that the 1980s will stand out as a decade of impressive improvement in economic performance , reversing a long-term trend of decline relative to other member countries . ’
7 It is still widely held that the traditional or conventional nuclear family is the only suitable environment in which children can grow up and that any deviation from this norm puts children at a considerable disadvantage .
8 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
9 It has been calculated that , at some point in her life , one woman in five will be infected with this parasite and it is also generally accepted that the organism is almost exclusively sexually transmitted .
10 But it is also well known that the so-called expert witness in court may be a hired gun , willing to testify to anything for a fee , or a crackpot whose unsupportable ideas are masked by an advanced degree — often from a respectable university .
11 It is also well known that the sediments build up in the summer and tend to be removed again in the winter .
12 If these cases are investigated it is nearly always found that the cats in question are not on leads but are simply following in their owners ' footsteps .
13 Indeed , where studies have provided this information , it is typically only to note that the majority of the sample were white ( for example , Wilson , 1987 ; Graham , 1987b ) .
14 It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts .
15 It is now generally accepted that the universe evolves according to well-defined laws .
16 We will not assign these spectra in detail , but it is now generally accepted that the ruthenium complex has three units held together only by metal-metal bonding , whereas the iron complex has bridging CO ligands , as well as many terminal ones .
17 Overall , it is now generally held that the interactions between fruiting plants and birds in both tropical and temperate regions are loose , asymmetric , variable in time and space , non-obligate and apparently inefficient .
18 It is now generally agreed that the natural way of classifying organisms is hierarchical : that is , in a series of nested sets .
19 However , a good number of geographers have conducted recreational surveys in the last 20 years and a good deal of experience in the methods and techniques for conducting visitor surveys , in particular , has been obtained , so that it is now generally agreed that the following procedure should be followed :
20 It is now generally agreed that the concept of the work as a whole dates to early 1907 and possibly to the very month in which Picasso acquired his two heads.1
21 ‘ It is now clearly ascertained that the present chartered body will not accept the terms which is understood have been proposed to them and for the information of the Governors of the Royal Veterinary College I shall feel much obliged by your informing me whether or not a Charter will be granted to them . ’
22 But many Japanese companies ' strategy is now simply to pray that the yen will fall in this fiscal year .
23 In the USSR it is now officially recognized that the party should be organized more democratically , and attempts have been made at the level of primary organizations to involve the rank and file more in decision-making ( Hill , Dunmore and Dawisha 1981 , p. 201 ) .
24 It is now widely accepted that the thrust of EC farm support must move towards direct payments to farmers .
25 The importance of the family for the prevention of delinquent behaviour was also recognized and it is now widely accepted that the delinquent child and his or her family are in need of the same kind of attention as the deprived child and his or her family .
26 It is now widely accepted that the Chairmanship of the Bar is virtually a full time job , and the profession has been fortunate indeed in the people who have been prepared to take on that responsibility and make that commitment .
27 It is now widely recognised that the impact of overall EEC farm policy has been to further widen the differential between the advantaged and disadvantaged areas .
28 The purpose of these assumptions is almost invariably to ensure that the new rent is a " rack " rent , ie the highest commercially obtainable .
29 It is however also clear that the concept of legitimate expectations , like many legal concepts , can be used in more than one way ; it does not have to be given a restrictive interpretation .
30 Military intervention in Germany would be a disaster for the Russians , so it is no longer clear that the threat of this will continue to be a bar to German self-determination .
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