Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [adj] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is common knowledge that the authorities sold a great many works of art from Russian museums to foreign buyers during the 1920s and 1930s , it is rather less well-known that the book reserves of Russian libraries were similarly violated .
2 The group is only too aware that the dangers of conifer plantations are not limited to creating great black tracts of sterile land ( nothing grows beneath their dense needles ) .
3 It is only too evident that the scribes considered gentility the only status worth recording , and even in this they were not consistent ; civic dignity was almost invariably ignored .
4 The protection that she is offered is so grossly inadequate that the Minister should be ashamed that he has done nothing about it .
5 The basic set-up consists of rather basic apparatus out of a school laboratory — battery , heavy water , metal electrodes and meters for heat or neutrons — which is so widely available that the discovery could have been made anywhere at any time in the preceding half century ; but somehow it has been overlooked by two generations of scientists until suddenly in 1989 not one but two groups in the same location simultaneously announce their breakthroughs .
6 It is perhaps more significant that the political gesture was overturned in favour of more pragmatic financial reasoning — but this itself is indicative of broader changes in Sheffield 's local politics .
7 AT THAT difficult and defiant age of 19 , it is perhaps quite extraordinary that The Prayer Boat have chosen to study so closely the catalogues of The Waterboys and Van Morrison — old men , of their fathers ' generation .
8 It is less easily defensible that the practitioners appear to think less deeply about the meaning of the present abundance of data than is the case in many other fields of science .
9 This is a doubtful speculation as spinning , unlike sewing or embroidery does not require a strong light , and it is much more likely that the spinners would be found in comfort spinning by the light of their peat fires as dusk approached .
10 It is much more likely that the majority of assessments are currently undertaken either informally or indirectly .
11 It is much more likely that the pharmaceutical industry will support such analysis as it perceives its interests as being threatened ( Drummond , 1989/90 ) .
12 It is much more likely that the name commemorates ‘ fair Rosamond ’ , the mistress of Henry II .
13 This idea has long since fallen out of favour ; it is much more likely that the two components of a pair were born at the same time and in the same region of space , from the same cloud of dust and gas .
14 While there is some simple arithmetic to carry out in this question , it is much more likely that the drop in success rate is due to problems with interpretation and the distribution of the error response , £2.60 , confirms this .
15 It is much more likely that the distribution of state benefits will occur through narrow informal political networks supportive of the ruling central coalition .
16 It is much more likely that the periods we call constant saw some small changes and the intervening periods , although generally of more rapid fall , were punctuated by minor stillstands .
17 It is much more important that the student is given an understanding of a conceptual structure , and is able to take up stances within it , to understand something of the fundamental debates taking place within it , to see the difference between sense and nonsense , and to stand back and form critical evaluations of the wider social role of the form of thought .
18 It is much more disconcerting that the CD4 count has been shown to be an unreliable indicator of the effectiveness of drug treatment in HIV infection .
19 It is thus most unlikely that the legislature intended that one person or body should be capable of being in both categories .
20 Justice in Rio is normally so slow that the effect on law enforcement is almost negligible .
21 It is just as unbelievable that the Ministry of Defence apparently does not know what happened to them afterwards , what careers they followed .
22 It is just as likely that the market , left to itself , would not finance or build nuclear-power stations , not because of the greens but because of their poor rate of return .
23 He went on to regard the presence of more than two rows to be an indication of adult growth , but , whilst this may sometimes occur it is just as likely that the unfortunate whelk was checked several times during its immature life .
24 Perhaps they were too well-known to need spelling out ; but it is just as likely that the personal qualities which contemporaries did stress were what really accounted for both men 's influence at the courts of successive Carolingians .
25 The worst of it is that one can not yet express a proper anger about the state of things , since it is just about possible that the Frauleins Krabbe , Breuer and Moller are innocent of any serious wrongdoing ( if that 's the right term ) in the affair of the Uniform Urine .
26 The hon. Gentleman 's grasp of detail is usually so light that the idea of actually debating with him at all is risible .
27 The actual differences between the highest paid and the lowest paid have in fact changed only marginally in the past thirty years , and it is still broadly true that the richest 1 per cent of income earners enjoy a gross pay which is about four times greater than they would receive if income were to be equally distributed among the total working population .
28 It is still clearly evident that the individual young person is the source of the ‘ problem ’ .
29 A survey by BBC Radio Four 's Today programme says it is still very uncertain that the majority will be reached in the House of Clergy and the House of Laity .
30 Of course , this view is based on a foolish misapprehension ; but it is probably nevertheless true that a mistaken view of psychoanalysis , and a misuse of its teachings , has contributed in no small part to our present social predicament .
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