Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [conj] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 Since all babies inherit their mother 's antibodies , it is only logical that if a mother has positive antibodies to HIV , then her baby will be born with them too .
2 They are highly social , congregating in groups as large as 500 , and the bonding between members of the herd is so strong that if a pilot or lead whale beaches itself , the rest of the herd will often follow , creating a mass stranding .
3 It is usually noticeable that when a masochist has for years felt hard done by , often over-controlled by their partner , and then for some reason the tables are turned , he or she metes out punishment as if this has to go on for the same length of time that the masochist 's suffering was endured .
4 Nothing is more annoying than when a dole queue fan shells out six pounds for a ticket to a show which is nothing but a huge yawn for the artist involved .
5 It is also notable that where a chairman or chief executive has been brought in from outside to those organisations , this may be followed by many changes in senior management and so , from the headhunters ' point of view , putting a chief executive into an older-style organisation is usually an opportunity for them to work with the newly appointed chief executive to build the new senior management team .
6 It is also true that when a decline sets in in F1 , it is very difficult to retain one 's status .
7 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
8 It is undoubtedly true that when a family member dies , other members of the family are often too upset themselves to recognize the distress of the children in their midst .
9 This is quite important because when a child in the third form the kids are making up their mind whether to do science or not .
10 It is therefore important that when a kick strikes home , the knee is still bent .
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