Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [adj] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 That type of structural error is rather more difficult to diagnose than the type where the results are always bad .
2 Violence is altogether more likely to arise where the conduct is actually directed towards another person .
3 It is all too easy to daydream while reading and thereby not recognise words which we are looking at , but it is also possible to recognise words which we are not looking at .
4 If these seem relatively modest benefits , it is perhaps more useful to consider whether a more radical and comprehensive anti-monopoly policy would have been better for society .
5 Whatever the structure of the organisation , good communication lies at the heart of success — and , because of the complexities we have already looked at and the many factors which influence the way in which messages circulate and are received good communication is perhaps more difficult to achieve than good product design , manufacturing productivity or success in the market place .
6 Where a " no entry " sign is placed on the old behaviour it is much less likely to work because the temptation of the familiar path is too strong .
7 External frames are all but defunct in the UK because most have accepted that the ergonomically contoured internal frame sack is much more stable to carry than an external frame pack , even at the expense of some loss of ventilation to the back .
8 English is , of course , not a tone language , and the function of tone is much more difficult to define than in a tone language .
9 The funnel structure shown in the drawing is certainly usable but it is much more difficult to use than the ordinary funnel shown in the drawing for " efficiency " .
10 Handwritten text , either cursive or hand-printed , is much more difficult to recognise than printed text .
11 The market values of the assets , on the other hand , is much more difficult to determine because there is not an efficient market in second-hand assets .
12 If a man who is a diabetic and who has arterial disease to the extent that this plaintiff had , is severely injured so that life is much more difficult to bear than otherwise it would have been , a defendant is in my view , quite unable , with justification , to say that a reduction in damages should thereby be brought about .
13 This is much more likely to arise where the vendor must be seen to obtain the best possible price for the land , such as a trust , bank or other institution .
14 It is much more likely to succeed where the target 's board can speak for control of the company and the board supports the scheme .
15 The sad truth is that the primary sufferer is much more likely to die if this " enabling " support continues .
16 For example , outbreeding is much more likely to occur than brother-sister incest because of the apparently innate rule that individuals raised closely together during the first six years of life are inhibited from full sexual intercourse at maturity .
17 It is thus not possible to tell whether the significance of the laterality effect observed was due to " same " and/or " different " trials .
18 It is normally also necessary to check whether the investments themselves qualify for the exemption and to obtain the putative counterparty 's consent and this will need detailed compliance procedures .
19 This precautionary demand for money will also be related to money incomes since : ( a ) the higher your regular income then normally the more expensive are the items you own , e.g. the Rolls-Royce is usually more expensive to repair than the Mini ; ( b ) if money incomes rise due to inflation then the same items cost more to replace or repair .
20 This is usually fairly easy to arrange if the prize is a holiday or a large piece of equipment and if the prize structure is fairly small .
21 All those cups of tea do add up and the fridge is always there ready to beckon when a hunger pang lingers .
22 ‘ It is still too early to say whether the peak in unemployment has passed , but the likelihood of sustained increases in unemployment in the months to come recedes with each monthly fall , ’ officials said in the June monthly monetary report .
23 It is probably too early to judge whether this exercise is worthwhile .
24 And in such cases it is clearly more honourable to give than to receive .
25 The road to follow up into the low hills is marked with the sign ‘ Coteaux de Jurançon ’ , though it is also quite easy to lose once you are up there ; but when vineyards are so thin on the ground as it were in this part of the country , there is every reason to get briefly lost amongst them .
26 This superbly efficient oven is also highly economical to use as you can cook three or more different dishes at the same time .
27 It is often quite unacceptable to wait until the next committee meeting for a report on what has been accomplished by Ms Smith and Mr Jones .
28 Lastly , it is often almost impossible to decide whether a terrace is marine or subaerial , for the form itself is not conclusive and there is so often a complete lack of deposits on it .
29 Such a circumstance is far less likely to arise if defective slating is replaced either with a new natural slate roof or a surface of one of the several types of lightweight synthetic slate that are now obtainable .
30 It is far too early to say whether this produces the right result ; only time and history will show .
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