Example sentences of "is [adv] [prep] [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Given that Tim Robbins — and the name may not ring instant bells — is a film star , the last notion is rather like suggesting that an industrial correspondent be despatched to debrief Lemmie from Motorhead .
2 It is perhaps worth remembering that the Beveridge Report was published as early as 1942 ; it embodied the aspirations of so many who had been disappointed by the failure of Lloyd George 's ‘ land fit for heroes to live in ’ to materialise .
3 Finally , and outside the university context , it is perhaps worth mentioning that the Camden library service has a good loan collection of African writing .
4 For those who have never seen or handled one of the Miller Dictionaries , it is perhaps worth mentioning that the eighth edition ( 1768 ) weighs 17½ lbs ( c.8kg ) , contains 333 folio sheets and measures 430 × 90 mm ( 666 sides of text ) .
5 This is only a metaphor , but the point is perhaps worth making that the insistence on ‘ independent contractor ’ status on the part of the GPs and local competition for patients ( which necessitates collective regulation through ‘ professional ethics and etiquette ’ ) , weakened their bargaining position with both their hospital colleagues and with Government .
6 Just how remote this stance in fact is from the aesthetic is a matter for further debate , but it is perhaps worth interpolating that the implied valorisation of the products of these engaged avant-gardes as a function of their engagement is defeasible .
7 Elizabeth 's famous Armada speech — ‘ I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman , but I have the heart of a king and a king of England too ’ — and Mary 's much-quoted desire to live the life of a soldier , wearing a Glasgow buckler and sleeping under the stars , are testimony to one ( it is perhaps worth adding that the context for Elizabeth was fighting Spain , for Mary fighting her half-brother ) .
8 It is perhaps worth adding that the phases we have identified are the ones which the self-conscious discipline of International Relations itself regards as significant .
9 In this context , it is perhaps worth noting that the body politic oscillates between two contradictory modes of address towards the civil population .
10 It is nevertheless worth emphasizing that the estimates of population , storage capacity , agricultural yields and food consumption are all based on incomplete evidence ; so , interesting though this line of thought may be , no conclusions can be reached yet .
11 It is always worth remembering that no man 's credit is as good as his money .
12 The moral to this little story must therefore be that it is always worth checking that the components you receive from a supplier are the ones that you actually ordered !
13 It is also worth remembering that an increased assessment does not necessarily reflect prosperity ; there is evidence of considerable urban decay , for example , at Coventry , despite the town 's greater tax liability .
14 I am going to criticise modern farming methods , I promise you , but before I do it is also worth remembering that the primary beneficiary has been the consumer .
15 It is also worth remembering that the way to hold someone 's attention is to look at them .
16 At a time when Slow Play is beginning to become more and more of a scourge , it is also worth noting that the golfers needed just two hours and 45 minutes to go round , which included a break for as glass or two of Bollinger at the turn .
17 It is also worth noting that the prevalence of H pylori in patients treated with NSAID was 34 of 64 ( 53% ) compated with 43 of 60 ( 72% ) ( p<0.05 ) in patients not taking NSAID , using the standard tests ( see Table III ) .
18 It is also worth noting that the questioning has opened up a new area of exploration — that of symbol and meaning .
19 It is also worth noting that an operating lease transfers the risk of obsolescence from the lessee to the lessor .
20 Unfortunately in its detailed behaviour this model has been found to be insufficiently flexible ( [ PGC ] Sections 4.6 & 5.4.1 ) It is also worth noting that an n-point data set can be fitted perfectly ( i.e. with no error ) by an ( n-1 ) degree polynomial .
21 It is well worth checking that the pupil 's chair and desk or table make this possible .
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