Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [to-vb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is most important to remember that no double-stop can be played of which the higher note is lower than since this would require both notes to be stopped on the same string simultaneously .
2 It is rather sad to note that the main objective of these Committees these days seems to be enforcing petty rules and regulations whereby , possibly by accident , a secretary may have incorrectly banked a cheque in the office account rather than the client 's account .
3 When using this definition the results of conventional designs seem so good that it is effectively impossible to show that a new design is significantly better than conventional ones .
4 It is horrifyingly plain to see that the Mondays are in a tragic state , and the excellent photographs highlight this tragedy .
5 In fact Professor Hayek is sufficiently honest to admit that the free society which we have seen grow in Europe since the Enlightenment has produced through the writings of Marx and Freud a set of values which if not renounced will destroy the civilisation itself ; namely the pursuit of egalitarianism at the collective level leading to the replacement of the market economy by the planned economy and the pursuit of freedom at the personal level leading to abandonment of traditional morality based on the concept of right and wrong and good and evil .
6 Any purchaser from the wife is not concerned with this , as he is merely interested to check that the wife alone has power to transfer the property to him .
7 I am not claiming that meat is indispensable for good health ; it is only necessary to show that a diet to which it contributes can be no less healthy than one from which it is excluded .
8 It is only necessary to add that a consistency checking procedure is also called .
9 At present it is only possible to guess that the largest of the villas , such as Woodchester , Bignor and North Leigh may have been owner occupied .
10 It is only fair to say that the instruction given to children was excellent , almost the best they ever had and the multi-lingual abilities of the instructors made understanding very easy .
11 She listed 56 ( see page 111 ) , although it is only fair to record that the 56th read : " Have nervous breakdown — client does n't like film . "
12 But it is only fair to record that the lad who won the " best loser 's " medal broke his wrist on hitting me on the head ( watch this space ) as a flyweight ( special gilt one 1/9d ) , which led to a most embarrassing situation .
13 While it is only sensible to acknowledge that the company will have greater resources and possibly less to lose than yourself , your hand could be strengthened if you are confident that messy litigation is the last thing that management wants because , for example , a merger is on the horizon or the publicity of a court case is likely to upset customers .
14 Although it is annoying to have SIMMs in this position ( you would have to remove the motherboard to add extra modules ) , it is only important to ensure that the expansion slots line up with the slots in the rear of the case .
15 Fishbase is so simple to operate that no documentation file has been considered necessary .
16 Within the Duomo there is so much to see that a full inventory is impracticable .
17 The price of Kevlar will reduce as it becomes more widely used , whereas carbon fibre is so energy-consumptive to manufacture that the likelihood is it will always be too costly for anything other than specialised use in the car industry .
18 There is a steady shuffle of people leaving once the film has started as they find it is so difficult to follow that the experience is frustrating .
19 Bukharin 's theory of expanded negative reproduction is one that takes both value and material aspects of commodities into account : ‘ It is exceedingly important to note that the analysis of … enlarged reproduction given by Marx in his famous arithmetically formulated schemes in the second volume of Capital brings in both the value ( economic ) and the natural ( technical ) aspects of reproduction . ’
20 In the case where an E is extended by qualification in order to provide a more suitable identification to an audience , as in ( 14 ) , it is entirely natural to assume that a P which does the qualifying — typically an attributive adjective , in traditional terms — will apply to or be valid for the entity identified by the whole pattern [ P E ] .
21 But it is extremely important to remember that the teaching of undergraduate students in the eighteen to twenty-one age group is only a part , that 's the one people usually evaluate universities , but it 's only a part of the job which we do for society .
22 Wherever communication or interconnection of the warehouse with the adjacent accommodation is necessary functionally it is extremely important to ensure that the separation and containment of the risk can be achieved rapidly in the event of a fire .
23 It is perhaps trite to say that the educational policy is only as good as its actual implementation in the classroom , but it is a point overlooked in the search for a panacea in deaf education .
24 As a basis for this calculation it is perhaps appropriate to assume that a single sprinkler system should be capable of dealing with three fires simultaneously involving the operation of all sprinkler heads in any vertically-related sections in which they might occur .
25 It is perhaps dubious to argue that a prayer or worship becomes more efficacious if more people join in , but there is no doubt that man was created a social animal and ritual that is shared is ritual that becomes more meaningful .
26 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
27 The GASB subsequently adopted an approach that is closer to the integral approach than the differential approach , though it is perhaps fair to say that the resulting list of user needs is closer to maintaining the status quo in governmental accounting while leaving the door open to the adoption of business accounting ideas in some areas .
28 It is perhaps interesting to note that the other two competitors in the PC market , GEM Desktop Publisher and Timeworks , both mimic the Ventura approach .
29 It is perhaps significant to record that the capacity of Naseby was increased during the 1930's by raising the crest of the outlet weir by 2 feet .
30 It is less easy to believe that the large scale migrations of birds are accomplished by memorized landmarks and home cues than are those of the digger wasp and salmon .
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