Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 The person in the centre who is most likely to link up with the systems verifier is the SCOTVEC co-ordinator .
2 Overall what stands out from intercity comparisons such as these is that firstly , London 's difficulties are echoed elsewhere , which is comforting since it is generally easier to put up with a problem if you know that others share it .
3 Both Soviet and foreign estimates of the numbers threatened with starvation and death over the period 1921–2 varied enormously , and no amount of detailed research is ever likely to come up with reliable figures .
4 Concrete must be used within four house of mixing , and it is usually easier to keep up with the latter type , which is laid as it is mixed .
5 Potentially the customer holds the strong cards at this stage of the discussion : the hotelier or restaurateur knows what his business problems are and knows what the computer system is going to have to achieve — and the potential buyer , who has thought this through before the supplier appears , is more likely to end up with the right system .
6 It is probably better to start off with too many regulators which can then merge , rather than starting off with too few and attempting to build on them .
7 He is also keen to press on with modernising the party 's policy-making machinery , a process which took a jump forward yesterday when delegates approved an executive consultation paper on the block vote and reform of the conference .
8 The level of material is also hard to pin down with workable definitions .
9 McDonough is now likely to team up with McGavin in attack on the long run in with Hopkins filling Martin 's role on the right , but the Layer Road worries at present are of a defensive nature .
10 Railway transition curves are usually related to the velocity cubed — a cubic curve is comparatively easy to set out with a theodolite .
11 And here , here am I , and then I 'll say you know of course I you know I 'm indebted to you because I realize that , you know , Anna-Marie is quite prepared to go out with other men if she wants
12 If it is absolutely impossible to carry on with one 's own job or profession in spite of all possible adjustments and adaptations which can be made , there are two possibilities : ( 1 ) to use one 's skills and experience through a different channel , or ( 2 ) to retrain for something quite different .
13 Though most merchants say it is too early to come up with a firm idea of the trade , the initial reports on quality suggest some low nitrogens and good bushel weights , at least for the Puffin that seems to predominate at the moment .
14 Where a government is very keen to press on with its programme , and where it can foresee that it would otherwise be frustrated by pressure of time , it can move that a timetable be adopted for a particular measure and , if the House so resolves , the Business Committee of the House will arrange a programme for a particular Bill , setting aside a specific number of days for each stage .
15 In many cases they get very depressed or they even die , because their image of themselves is very much bound up with work and .
16 Overall , the 238's layout is very easy to get on with , and it does n't take long , even for a first-timer , to get the hang of operating the buttons .
17 It is very difficult to come up with a sensible definition of what constitutes an ‘ old project ’ .
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