Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [verb] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 In short , enhancing pupil achievement is seen to spring from a more coherent approach to curriculum , assessment and teaching method , seen as an integral whole , and that this is most likely to arise when a school has developed more sophisticated self-monitoring that leads to holistic forward planning , of which INSET is an inherent feature .
2 The Ebrahimi type of doctrine is most likely to occur when a partnership is converted into a company but the same people are involved as before and carry on the business with much the same attitude .
3 When using this definition the results of conventional designs seem so good that it is effectively impossible to show that a new design is significantly better than conventional ones .
4 I am not claiming that meat is indispensable for good health ; it is only necessary to show that a diet to which it contributes can be no less healthy than one from which it is excluded .
5 It is only necessary to add that a consistency checking procedure is also called .
6 Within the Duomo there is so much to see that a full inventory is impracticable .
7 In the case where an E is extended by qualification in order to provide a more suitable identification to an audience , as in ( 14 ) , it is entirely natural to assume that a P which does the qualifying — typically an attributive adjective , in traditional terms — will apply to or be valid for the entity identified by the whole pattern [ P E ] .
8 As a basis for this calculation it is perhaps appropriate to assume that a single sprinkler system should be capable of dealing with three fires simultaneously involving the operation of all sprinkler heads in any vertically-related sections in which they might occur .
9 It is perhaps dubious to argue that a prayer or worship becomes more efficacious if more people join in , but there is no doubt that man was created a social animal and ritual that is shared is ritual that becomes more meaningful .
10 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
11 If on the other hand the consequences are neutral or unpleasant , then the behaviour is less likely to occur and an alternative will be found .
12 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
13 If you overdo it , the model will merely slip sideways , which is much easier to control than a tail down reversal into the ground .
14 A manual typewriter is physically harder to use than an electric keyboard .
15 ( 2 ) It is generally acceptable to state that an offer will not be made for a particular period of time .
16 It is always difficult to judge whether a government is better off , in terms of parliamentary safety , with a large or a small majority .
17 In fact , although this passage sounds rapid and colloquial it is still easier to analyse than a full-speed conversational interchange .
18 Another consideration is that monitors working in interlaced mode produce an image that generally is more prone to flicker than a non-interlaced display of the same screen resolution .
19 The cost of hot water is reduced in relation to the capital expenditure which can be undertaken , so that an efficient boiler system is more costly to install than a simple immersion heater , but cheaper to run .
20 It is more difficult to know whether an animal goes through the experience of at one moment not being able to see a food item , but then being able to see it at the next .
21 Being a combination , this is more likely to score than a single face punch which , as I said earlier , is often simply overlooked by the referee .
22 Presumably , this is more likely to happen when a small number of tablets is involved but the poor correlation between medical seriousness of an attempt and suicidal intent ( Fox and Weissman 1975 ) would indicate that this practice should not be encouraged .
23 But the Murray committee is probably right to say that a minimum five-year experiment with a four-day game programme is now due .
24 There is something rather incongruous about a helicopter performing a roll , yet , given a suitable model , it is probably easier to do than a loop .
25 Nevertheless it is probably fair to assume that a private customer 's needs will be for " standard " investments .
26 It is probably true to state that a country must achieve sustained increases in real GNP per capita to avoid social and political tension .
27 While artisans certainly had better opportunities than had most of the lower orders , it is probably unwise to insist that a very wide behavioural gap separated them from the " crowd " , at least until the last years of the eighteenth century .
28 It is also simpler to construct than a linked list mixed-method .
29 Graduates , whom Smith classed as gentlemen , and men of £10 a year were privleged to dress like their betters ; it is also reasonable to infer that a sizeable proportion of those who feature in the various returns as minor landowners were in effect ex-officio gentlemen , qualified by tenure of lesser public appointments .
30 It is also difficult to say whether a change at the top would affect the Direction des Musées de France at the heart of the Ministry of Culture .
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