Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] that [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It is widely thought that it will , but that special protection will be given to historical portraits , textiles , arms and armour , and architectural and scientific drawings .
2 After a while a kitten is placed in a small , secure cage and left on the far side of a room , while the phobic is gently reassured that it can not get near .
3 You will simply need to wait until the thing is sufficiently settled that you can get the total package set out here , and
4 Women who grow excess facial and body hair often find that their confidence is so destroyed that they would benefit from psychological counselling , according to the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin .
5 The English form of application for legal aid ( which has no accompanying memorandum ) is so devised that it can be , and often is , completed by the applicant without the intervention of any solicitor .
6 Joan 's use of Creole is so limited that it might be called tokenistic .
7 The small surplus that is distributed is so limited that it can not be shared by all , but patronage is a mechanism of selecting a few workers to benefit .
8 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
9 Hunting dogs in Africa and wolves in North America also hunt in teams , snapping at the heels of an antelope or a moose , one taking over from the other until their victim is so exhausted that they can get a grip on it with their teeth and pull it down .
10 Nor will it come from exports , which are now falling because the pound is so overvalued that we can not have export success at its present level of valuation .
11 I now see that Travis is so smitten that he would n't accept anything but that , meeting me for the first time when I called at your apartment , you at once became very much attracted to me .
12 It is now necessary to consider when a commercial transaction is so structured that it can not be said that the parties are dealing on standard terms at all .
13 The Act does not define what actually constitutes an artistic work , though it is generally accepted that it would cover any product made by an artist or craftsperson , which is normally unique , hand-made and makes a personal expressive statement .
14 However , it is generally agreed that we should cut down on fat and ear more foods containing complex carbohydrates ( starch and fibre-rich foods ) and include lots of fresh vegetables , fruit and a sensible amount of protein .
15 It is generally held that it should be larger but no agreement on enlarging it seems attainable .
16 Although it may seem that her greatest loss may be that of her husband , it is usually recognized that she may well be unable to look at the implications of his death until she has dealt with those that happened before he died .
17 One is usually told that it will also knit double-knit .
18 It is also to agree that they could not be said to represent the mass of unskilled working people .
19 Although there is much to support this view of the origin of our modern idea of time , it is now realized that it can only be adhered to with some reservations , as we shall see .
20 Far dimmer and simpler than ours , but they certainly exist , and it is now recognised that they can and do suffer from stress .
21 The Chief Officer said quite clearly last er last time that the decisions were decisions for members and members came up with a view last time that we should not remove that whole time crew from St Albans which was the one firm decision that was made at the last meeting and what Councillor is now suggesting that we should take out those twenty eight whole time fire fighters and then try and give us ten back if we 're lucky .
22 It is now believed that they may have been written for a subscription concert series in 1788 — the ‘ Casino ’ series mentioned in a letter to Puchberg , which may have taken place in the autumn .
23 They have suggested that the carcasses of animals which have died of either disease should not be buried in farm fields , as it is now thought that it may be possible for other livestock to become infected .
24 Kawasaki Steel is now saying that it might have to do the same .
25 According to a report In ComputerWorld IBM is now saying that it 'll have a single micro-kernel-based operating system for OS/2 and AIX within two years , allowing users to run Unix or OS/2 applications in either environment .
26 The Government is now proposing that they shall er er that they shall be erm made from a list of persons compiled in accordance with an Order by the Secretary of State and it appears to be being claimed , at least in the press that this somehow is providing for appointments to be at arms length from the Home Secretary .
27 It is often said that you can discover a great deal about a person 's character by the books on their shelves .
28 It is often argued that we would all be better off if we followed the Warsaw Pact system of accepting their superpower 's equipment , produced mainly in the Soviet Union , but also in satellite countries like Czechoslovakia .
29 Furthermore , it is often overlooked that we can only apply scientific method to a tiny fraction of the impressions upon which we act .
30 It is frequently said that you can make statistics say what you want them to say .
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