Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The phase of confusion is strikingly illustrated in some metopes from a large Doric temple at Selinus in Sicily ( fig. 23 ) .
2 Medical advice is generally sought at some stage , but the action taken by general practitioners still seems to be suboptimal and shows considerable geographical variation .
3 It is interesting to note that stereo sound is already featured on some video recorders and camcorders , and it seems that it is only a matter of time before it becomes standard as for sound recorders .
4 I understand this is already done in some districts .
5 Guar is cheap and plentiful and is already used in some foods as a natural stabiliser .
6 In such highly evolved animals as insects the primitive segmentation , in so far as it affects the internal anatomy , has undergone profound modifications ; the segmental repetition of parts is nevertheless retained to some extent in the central nervous system , the heart , tracheal system and in the body musculature .
7 Such a surface is best contained in some way and here this is achieved with a neat curve of bricks , laid on edge .
8 The whole thing is usually lit in some way , be it with a night light , small oil lamp or Christmas tree lights .
9 A learner is usually searching for some property which fulfils criteria which have nothing to do directly with the observed data .
10 A dispreferred response is usually marked in some way : by a slight pause , or by a preface like ‘ Well ’ or ‘ You see ’ , or by an explanation and justification of the response .
11 It is widely believed among the general public that dismissal of a Bank Official is rare and is usually associated with some act of dishonesty .
12 Change , however welcome , is usually associated with some degree of stress .
13 The physical breakdown of rock is always associated with some kind of volume change and it is useful to categorize the various processes into those involving an overall volumetric change in the rock mass and those related to changes in volume of material introduced into voids or fissures in the rock .
14 This kind of approach is still followed in some branches of Calvinism , especially in America and Holland .
15 As in France and the UK , the number of consumers affected by water supplies with high nitrate levels is falling , but not the number of contaminated sources which is still rising in some regions .
16 Persia produces far fewer prayer rugs , but the design is still found in some workshop pieces .
17 Emergency portosystemic shunting is still recommended by some centres as the most effective therapy for bleeding while others prefer staple gun transection of the oesophagus which is the safer technique for the less experienced surgeon .
18 Oh , certainly , yes , yes , and and it carried on for a long time afterwards , and and I think is is still used in some selection processes .
19 The term ‘ AIDS-related complex ’ or ARC is still used by some doctors for HIV-related illness which does not meet the AIDS definition .
20 Bismuth is still used by some practitioners as an adjunct to penicillin therapy , but in most centres the advent of penicillin and other antibiotics has , at long last , brought an end to the many centuries during which the treatment of syphilis was worse than the disease itself .
21 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
22 ‘ Foggage ’ grazing in late autumn and winter , on the hay aftermath which has been allowed to grow tall in late summer , is still practised in some areas , but is a rather wasteful use of grass .
23 If the effect is not present , or the unit is clearly malfunctioning in some way , switch off at once and recheck all the wiring .
24 If I am correct — and the statement is also seen in some measure as a form of protection of the parents ' and child 's rights in this matter — it is surely anomalous that this statement appears largely to have become a passport to special schooling .
25 But it is also used in some cases for rather trivial offences .
26 As the sobriquet implies , this is principally used by booksellers for acquisition and as a finding list , but it is also used by some librarians for selection purposes .
27 Foam media is also supplied in some units as the main source of biological filtration .
28 This philosophy is also reflected by some provisions of the Children Act 1989 which give a child , of sufficient understanding to make an informed decision , the right to refuse ‘ medical or psychiatric examination or other assessment ’ or ‘ psychiatric and medical treatment ’ in certain defined circumstances : see sections 38(6) , 43(8) , 44(7) and Schedule 3 , paragraphs 4(4) ( a ) and 5(5) ( a ) .
29 Getting a partnership is not easy , and the new partner who can not provide capital is inevitably burdened with some form of payment for his share .
30 ‘ Yes , but the matter is now become of some urgency , and I feel very guilty — ’
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